Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 06/03 at 06:31 AM


Across North America ladybug species distribution is changing.  Join the Lost Lady Bug Project in finding out where all the ladybugs have gone. Take a virtual field trip with MEET ME AT THE CORNER ( to Colorado Springs and learn more about the Lost Ladybug Project and how kids can get involved this project by finding and recording of lady bugs in their corner of the world.

MEET ME AT THE CORNER, Virtual Field Trips for Kids ( is a series of educational video podcasts for kids ages 6-12. New episodes are uploaded every two weeks, with a Learning Corner of questions and extended activities, a list of recommended books and links to fun websites about each topic.

This is a great website for kids, parents, teachers and homeschool families.

Posted by Donna W. Guthrie  on  06/16  at  03:30 AM
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