Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 05/22 at 08:07 AM


thank you for skyping with us and answering all our questions!  smile

Posted by Haley  on  05/23  at  08:20 AM

thank you for skyping with us. You ansder all the question right. My question was how many books did u write. grin

Posted by michael  on  05/23  at  08:23 AM

Thanks for skyping with us and for answering all of our questions. grin

Posted by paul  on  05/27  at  07:14 AM

You are a really good author and you need to keep writing!!!!!!!  smile

Posted by Em  on  05/27  at  07:16 AM

Thanks for skyping with us and answering all of our questions! grin

Posted by paul  on  05/27  at  07:19 AM

Thanks for scyping us I had a question though. Why did you choose to write about informatinal science over any other genre?

Posted by Demetri  on  05/27  at  07:19 AM

Dear Seymour Simon,
    Thank you for Skypeing with us last week!

Posted by K  on  05/27  at  07:26 AM

How do you keep up writing so much books at this age?

Posted by Balubi  on  05/28  at  06:55 AM

Thank you for skyping with us last week Mr seymon grin

Posted by Evan  on  05/28  at  07:00 AM

where did you get your information about the strange mysteries?  cheese  question  surprised  raspberry sick  red face  grrr  tongue rolleye

Posted by Rose  on  05/28  at  07:03 AM

thank you for Skyping us smile

Posted by tom  on  05/28  at  07:04 AM

Thanks very much for skyping with us last week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:):)

Posted by cool man  on  05/28  at  07:04 AM

Thank you for taking time away from your work to Skype with us, I really enjoyed talking with you! smile

Posted by danielle  on  05/28  at  07:05 AM

thank you for skyping with us and answering all our questions!  smile

Posted by cool man  on  05/28  at  07:06 AM

Thank you Mr. Simon! You answered a lot of my questions. You were always my favorite author. Keep up the good work. ; )

by Enmanuel Marmolejos

Posted by Logged Out User  on  05/28  at  07:07 AM

thank you for answering my questions u are a relly awesome author.  I love the info in ur books

Posted by Devarsh  on  05/28  at  07:08 AM

Hello Mr. Simon! Remember when we skyped you last week? well, i have a question that i had wanted to ask you. What inspired you to become such a fanastic author? my favorite book of yours is Wolves. you are now one of my favorite authors!

Posted by Hanna  on  05/28  at  07:08 AM

Thank you for using Skype to talk to us, I really enjoyed it excaim  cheese

Posted by Jared  on  05/28  at  07:09 AM

I love your books and your information helps me with reports and sometimes even if I’m bored I read your books for entertainment!!  cheese

Posted by katrina  on  05/28  at  07:12 AM
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