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If there’s global warming, why is it snowing?
NSTA Outstanding Science Trade Book
GLOBAL WARMING has been named to the 2010 List of Outstanding Science Trade Books for Students K–12 by the NSTA (National Science Teachers’ Association).
GLOBAL WARMING has been named to the 2010 List of Outstanding Science Trade Books for Students K–12 by the NSTA (National Science Teachers' Association).
[ Read more ]SCHOOL LIBRARY JOURNAL, Eva Elisabeth VonAncken, Trinity-Pawling School, Pawling, NY
Grade 3–5. Outstanding full-page, full-color photographs are the highlight of this introduction to the theories and concerns regarding global warming and climate change. Simon offers much basic information on the subjects of rising sea levels, ocean temperatures, and greenhouse gases. In addition, he explores the resulting problems of animal survival as well as the standard solutions outlined for both governments and families. While he strongly suggests that global warming is due to man-made causes, he does include the possibility of cyclical warming trends. Although comprehensive for the intended audience, the text is somewhat flat. A short glossary and index may help with more complicated ideas. A useful addition for collections needing well-illustrated introductory material. —Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Grade 3–5. Outstanding full-page, full-color photographs are the highlight of this introduction to the theories and concerns regarding global warming and climate change. Simon offers much basic information on the subjects of rising sea levels, ocean temperatures, and greenhouse gases. In addition, he explores the resulting problems of animal survival as well as the standard solutions outlined for both governments and families. While he strongly suggests that global warming is due to man-made causes, he does include the possibility of cyclical warming trends. Although comprehensive for the intended audience, the text is somewhat flat. A short glossary and index may help with more complicated ideas. A useful addition for collections needing well-illustrated introductory material.
—Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
BOOKLIST, Ian Chipman.
Simon’s consistently high-quality collaborations with the Smithsonian investigate all manner of science topics for young readers, and here take on the timely matter of climate change. Informative and non-condescending, this boils down large, complex issues into understandable concepts, even as…
Simon’s consistently high-quality collaborations with the Smithsonian investigate all manner of science topics for young readers, and here take on the timely matter of climate change. Informative and non-condescending, this boils down large, complex issues into understandable concepts, even as it covers the range of current understanding on how we are impacting the planet. Simon distinguishes between weather and climate and offers a succinct explanation of the greenhouse effect and the dangers of rising levels of greenhouse gas emissions. Without being alarmist, he also explains how even a rise of a few inches in sea level could flood populated areas and touches on how the animal world, from butterflies to polar bears, is being impacted. Thoughtfully chosen full-page photos complement and reflect the text; dual pictures of dwindling glaciers and dying coral reefs impart a sense of urgency, while a small sprout of green emerging from parched soil is especially resonant, yet strangely hopeful. The book concludes with realistic ideas on how individuals, families, and communities can help alleviate the planetary pressure. Grades 3-5.
In a serious but not somber introduction to global warming, Simon, in collaboration with the Smithsonian Institution, describes contributing factors, signs, and repercussions of rising Earth temperatures with enough statistics to inform school reports — "There is 30 percent more…
In a serious but not somber introduction to global warming, Simon, in collaboration with the Smithsonian Institution, describes contributing factors, signs, and repercussions of rising Earth temperatures with enough statistics to inform school reports — "There is 30 percent more carbon dioxide in the air than there was 150 years ago" — and enough full-color photographs to engage. Endnotes list things individuals and families can do to help curb climate change, as a hopeful counterbalance.
Ages 5—9.
Seymour Simon is probably the dean of science writing for primary-graders, and his Global Warming is typically excellent, marrying a logically structured text to expertly chosen, well-placed, full-color photographs. His tone is firm but temperate: "Our planet may be going…
Seymour Simon is probably the dean of science writing for primary-graders, and his Global Warming is typically excellent, marrying a logically structured text to expertly chosen, well-placed, full-color photographs. His tone is firm but temperate: "Our planet may be going through a natural cycle of getting warmer. However, most scientists say that humans are at least partly responsible for climate change. That means it may be possible for people to slow down the change." (5-8 years)
[ Read more ]ECO-LIBRIS BLOG, Raz Godelnik
GREEN BOOK OF THE WEEK: GLOBAL WARMING by Seymour SimonToday we review a green book that is taking on itself a big challenge that looks almost impossible — explaining global warming to children in a clear and intelligent way!Simon’s book…
Today we review a green book that is taking on itself a big challenge that looks almost impossible — explaining global warming to children in a clear and intelligent way!
Simon's book is indeed a comprehensive introduction to global warming, sort of 'An Inconvenient Truth' for children if you like. But not for them — even though this book is aimed at children in the ages of 5-9, I know may adults who will find it very useful, starting with Senator James Inhofe, Glenn Beck and other climate skeptics who might have had trouble understanding Al Gore's presentation>
Simon is really doing the best he can to present a complicated issue in a simple way without compromising on depth or details. I find the result very satisfying, given this challenging task. An important part of the book that helps readers to digest the data are the beautiful photographs that you find on each and every page. These photos are really making the book and I'm sure they'll help children better understand its messages.
And yes, it has some messages. It's not just describing the causes and effects of global warming, but also providing some good advice about what can be done on the national and family levels, so children can get ideas on how to translate the information they just received into action (or at least asking mom and dad to do the right things).
Bottom Line:In times when the scientific base of global warming is being attacked again and again, this book is providing a great deal of clarity for both children and their parents. Recommended!
My daughter would rather read a book with real life pictures than cartoons. When we had the opportunity to review Global Warming by Seymour Simon, Gracie was enthralled with the amazing pictures that make up this beautiful hard bound children’s…
My daughter would rather read a book with real life pictures than cartoons. When we had the opportunity to review Global Warming by Seymour Simon, Gracie was enthralled with the amazing pictures that make up this beautiful hard bound children's book.
I loved this beautiful book for the fact that it teaches Gracie in an easy to understand way just exactly what Global Warming is. The books shares the scientific reasons for global warming and this book would be the perfect addition to 1st through 4th grader's personal library. I loved how simple the language was but at the same time, very educational.
I was afraid that the book would talk about how old the Earth was and come from an evolutionist stand point. I was overjoyed to find out that this book shared the years of the Earth with Gracie in the same time frame that we believe. This book not only shares the scientific reasons for global warming but the real life affects global warming is having on animals, plants, and even us.
I highly recommend Global Warming by Seymour Simon as a great addition to any child's personal library. If your child is into science and how our earth and other things work, be sure to check out Seymour Science's blog for some great fun science facts, answers to science questions, and even science projects and apps that you can download.
CHILDREN'S LITERATURE, Suzanna E. Henshon, Ph.D.
What exactly is global warming? What can you do to save the environment? Award-winning science writer, Seymour Simon, has written another outstanding volume in the Smithsonian series. Since the end of the last ice age, 11,000 years ago, the Earth…
What exactly is global warming? What can you do to save the environment? Award-winning science writer, Seymour Simon, has written another outstanding volume in the Smithsonian series. Since the end of the last ice age, 11,000 years ago, the Earth has become warmer. In recent decades, there has been a dramatic rise in temperature. Why is the climate changing? Global warming is happening because of the greenhouse effect: heat is being trapped near the ground by carbon dioxide, water vapor, and greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. People cause global warming by cutting down trees, driving cars and trucks, and burning coal and oil. There is thirty percent more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than 150 years ago and every year the Arctic Ocean ice shrinks in size and depth. Glaciers and mountain snows are rapidly melting. At the end of this book, the author provides guidelines for what nations, families, and individuals can do on a daily basis to halt rapid global warming. In this informative and well-written book, Seymour Simon takes readers on a journey through the root causes of global warming and provides practical tips for how young people can make a difference in the world.
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