Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 01/14 at 09:22 AM


So, dwarf planets com in two parts?  raspberry

Posted by Andy  on  01/04  at  07:00 AM

pluto has 3 moons

pluto is no longer a planet

pluto in -375 degrees F

Posted by Chris  on  02/07  at  04:53 AM

1.) Doesn`t have enough mass to be a planet6.

2.) Pluto is a dwarf planet.

3.) Takes 248 years for Pluto to orbit the sun.

Posted by Olivia K  on  02/07  at  06:34 AM

1.)discovered in 1930

2.)minamal tempature

3.)no longer a planet

grin  tongue rolleye   wink  grin  grin  raspberry smile

Posted by Dean  on  02/07  at  06:35 AM

Has anyone set foot on Jupiter?


Posted by Tony  on  02/19  at  05:43 PM

I read about Pluto and they say Pluto doesn’t orbit the sun like the other planets. Is this all because of there is not that much mass? Also I always had a question about Pluto. Did someone or a satellite went to Pluto? If I know these questions about Pluto I could be a expert of Pluto.

Posted by Justin  on  02/26  at  12:55 AM

Dear Mr.Simon,
Today I read about the planets. I read Pluto mostly because I had a lot of questions. After I read I still had questions about Pluto. Why does Pluto orbit differently than the other planets? It this because it has lesser mass than the others? Did any person or satellites went to Pluto? If you could answer me on your blog I would be really happy.

Looking forward your answer,
P.S Thank you!

Posted by Justin  on  02/26  at  01:10 AM
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