Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 03/21 at 07:04 AM


Thanks for the explanation.  It must take a lot of bravery to sail out to sea when you know a tsunami is predicted!  Faith in science!!

Posted by Alissa Gonzalez  on  03/22  at  06:29 AM

I love the pictures you are taking there interesting and engaging. Also I love your fiction books. Your nonfiction books are good to but I like fiction books better. smile

Posted by Ceinna  on  04/02  at  02:30 PM

It’s ceinna again. In my classroom we are learning about you and your fiction and nonfiction books. Are there any new books you are making?

Posted by Ceinna  on  04/02  at  02:34 PM

Hi, Ceinna. Thanks for writing. I am always working on new books. The one I am writing right now is about CORAL REEFS - it will come out sometime next year. I am also almost finished with a book called SILLY ZOO ANIMAL JOKES AND RIDDLES - you can see what the cover looks like here:

There are several spots on my website that you can always check to find out what is new. Under the Books heading at the top of the home page, there is a link for New Books:

And in the Seymour Science blog, click on the label for New Books:

Posted by Seymour Simon  on  04/03  at  02:52 AM
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