Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 02/14 at 08:25 AM


Yes, it’s pretty seasonal and one of my favorite nebulas/nebulae… and don’t forget the Rose Nebula, it’s seasonal too!  smile

Posted by Gian Faye Paguirigan  on  02/14  at  08:47 AM

Intersting reminds me of my girlfriend!Where did you find it?You are verry smart. cheese  LOL

Posted by Stuart  on  02/15  at  02:13 PM

Happy Valentines Day Space! Oh, and lol. cool smile

Posted by Andy  on  01/04  at  03:04 PM

my dad has a book on Astronomy!


Posted by Azorai  on  04/12  at  01:06 PM
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