Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 12/13 at 09:17 AM


I’m Syd. My school is Edgewood El. My teacher is Mrs. Feldgus. I love your books Seymour! Word-mammal

Def. of mammal-A member of the group of animals that suckle their young. For example:whales

Why it’s awesome- I am extremely interested in animals- especially mammals. We are even mammals! They are fun to study and have a important purpose to be here on Earth

Sentence: Mammals such as tigers live on land while some mammals such as the whale can live in water. THANKS!!!:)

Posted by syd  on  12/13  at  01:25 PM

My favorite science word is: TERRITORY

Territory means this is my area.

I think it is awesome that an animal will guard it’s spot.

Lions pee in their territory telling other lions to back-off.

- Edgewood Elementary - 1st Grade - Mrs Kestel

Posted by Henry  on  12/13  at  03:16 PM
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