Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 11/13 at 02:50 AM


wow!I love cats i have one to and same i always wonder how they do that drink with no sound thats amazing i did it once and i made so much noise.

Posted by feefee  on  02/01  at  06:10 AM

i think that was really awesome!!!! I used to have two cats but they died. :( i want a new cat but my parents said not until my dog dies. :( oh and my parents said that my dog thinks she is a cat because our neighbors have a cat and when shes outside she runs up to their house and sniffs all around!!! cool smile

Posted by Jackie  on  02/05  at  03:51 AM

I have 3 cats named Poblo,Kong, and Buddy. we found Poblo as a stray and we adopted her as our 4th cat. She had 4 kittens and we had to give 2 away! It was sad. Have a great time and please write more books i’ll be sure to read them!!


Posted by Erik  on  02/09  at  06:10 AM

Cool! I have a cat named Merlin. He is an odd-eyed white. That means he has two different colored eyes. He is all white and male. We dont give him milk, i cant see him lap when he drinks water! smile

Posted by Marissa  on  05/11  at  05:20 AM

I never knew that cats could be rescued. I want to knew what do cats do when there is a storm?

Posted by lydia 4M  on  12/01  at  05:17 AM
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