Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 09/27 at 12:30 AM


We are so excited to see you Friday!!! P.S. we love all the jokes!

Posted by Cynthia Flanagan  on  09/30  at  07:17 AM

One of the easiest ways to tell the difference between a butterfly and a moth is to look at the antennae. A butterfly’s antennae are club-shaped with a long shaft and a bulb at the end. A moth’s antennae are feathery or saw-edged. Insect A is a moth. And Insect B IS A Butterfly. I didn’t know they were name is Angel J. and my teachers name is Mrs. Ragutte.

Posted by Angel  on  09/30  at  09:52 AM

I think insect A is a moth because it has dull colors, their wings rest at their sides, and moths have thick bodies. Insect B has bright colors, their wings rest together upright, and it has a thin body. So insect B is a butterfly. My name is Nicole, age 10, and my teacher is Mr. Whiteman. smile

Posted by Nicole  on  10/01  at  03:23 AM

I think Insect A is a moth and Insect B is a butterfly. Insect A is a moth because they have thick bodies and butterflies have thin bodies. Moths also have dull colored wings and a butterflies wings are often more colorful, but not always. I think Insect B is a butterfly because there wings usually rest together and are upright, like in the photo.
Gabriella, 10, Mr. Whiteman smile

Posted by Gabriella  on  10/01  at  03:27 AM

I think that Insect A is a butterfly and Insect B is a moth. I found out my answer on Easy Science For I learned that the moth is thicker then a butterfly. Moths are also are duller.That’s why I think insect is a butterfly and insect b is a moth.

Posted by Logged Out User  on  10/01  at  03:34 AM

I think insect A is a moth because moths have ugly and dull colors and butterfly’s have bright and pretty colors. And I think insect B is a butterfly because butterfly’s have thinner bodies and moths have thicker bodies.
Abby M. age 10, Mr. Whiteman’s Class

Posted by Abby M.  on  10/01  at  03:36 AM

I think insect B is a butterfly because i found out that the butterfly has bright colors on the body, has long and thin antennae. I think that insect A is a moth because the moth has dark colors on his body, it also has short and feathery antennae.

LOGAN age 9 Mr.Whiteman’s Class

Posted by Logan  on  10/01  at  03:39 AM

I believe that insect A is a moth. I think this because a moth’s wings are to the side of his body, and it has very dull colors.
      On the other hand, I think that insect B is a butterfly because, firstly, a butterflies wings rest upright on its back, and secondly, it has straight, clubbed antennae.

      Emily, Age ten, Mr. Whiteman’s Class

Posted by Emily  on  10/01  at  03:40 AM

I think Insect A is a Moth and Insect B is a Butterfly because a Moth has dull colors and their wings rest at their sides. Butterflies are bright colors and their wings rest together and upright.

Tyler Age 9 Teacher Mr. Whiteman

Posted by Tyler  on  10/01  at  03:41 AM

I think that insect A is a moth I think this cause moths have short antennae have less colors than butterflies don’t have clubbed antennae like butterflies and are night insects. I think that insect B is a butterfly cause it has brighter colors than moths it has long antennae also has clubbed antennae and are day insects i found this information from

My name is Elijah am nine and my teacher’s name is Robert Whiteman

Posted by Elijah  on  10/01  at  03:48 AM

I think that the insect A on the left is a moth and insect B on the right is a butterfly because I found out that a moths antennae is rough on the edges, and the butterflies is more smooth and curvy. Insect A has a rough antennae and insect B has curvy and smooth antennae. Also I found out that butterflies have brighter colors and moths have dull colors. Insect A has dull colors like a moth, and insect B has bright colors like a butterfly. That’s why I think insect A is a moth and insect B is a butterfly.

Julia,age 10,Mr. Whiteman’s Class.

Posted by Julia  on  10/01  at  03:49 AM

I think insect A is a moth because a moth has dull colors,a thick body,and wing rest at sides.
  I think insect B is a butterfly because a butterfly have bright colors, a thin body, and wing rest together and upright.

Jason           Age:10

Posted by Jason  on  10/01  at  03:49 AM

The reason that moths and butterflies are different help define one similar insect from another. For the reasons listed below, I believe insect A is a moth, and insect B is a butterfly.
    I did my research online and found a website on the differences between the two, which I used for this essay.
    One of the reasons that I could tell the two apart, is the antennae. The moth has “Feathery-like” antennae, and the butterfly has straight or club shaped antennae.
    The other reason is that I read that while the moth has rather drab wings, a butterfly tends to have more color.
    Therefore, my answer still remains. A is a moth, B is a butterfly. If you want to know which website I used, it’s
        -Anna, Age 10, from Mr. Whiteman’s Class smile

Posted by Anna  on  10/01  at  03:50 AM

I think insect B is the Butterfly because.

Insect B has a swell shaped antennae and a Moth has a short and feathery antennae. and I found this at :]

Also a Butterfly holds it’s wing above it’s head a Moth
has it’s wings out side to side.

I am jack age 11 my teacher is Mr. Whiteman. :]:]:]:]:]:]

Posted by Jack  on  10/01  at  03:51 AM

I think “Insect A” is a Moth and “Insect A” is a Butterfly. A Moth has their wings by their side, also their wings are a dull color. A Butterfly has their wings are together and straight up. Another reason is that is that their wings have bright colors.
        That is the way I found the difference between a Moth and a Butterfly.

  Stella   Age: 10   Teacher: Mr.Whiteman

Posted by Stella  on  10/01  at  03:52 AM

I think that Insect A is a butterfly. Insect B is a moth.I found my answer on Easy Science For
I think my answers are correct because moths are duller then butterflies.Also moths are thicker then butterflies. That’s why I think my answers are correct.
Abigail G. ,age 9 Mr . Whiteman’s class.

Posted by Logged Out User  on  10/01  at  07:53 AM

I think insect A is a moth therefore insect B is a butterfly.  I think this because insect A rests its wings by its sides and moths rest its wings by their sides.  insect b puts its wings up in the air, therefore it is a butterfly.  Insect A has dull colors like a moth.  Insect b has bright colors like a butterfly.


Skye, age 10, Mr. Whiteman’s Class

Posted by Skye  on  10/01  at  07:56 AM

I think that insect A is moth and insect B is a butterfly because a moth is active at night (nocturnal) and a butterfly is active during the day. Also, a butterfly’s colors are bright but a moth’s colors are dull. Finally, a moth’s wings rest at their sides and a butterfly’s wings rest together upright. 

I learned these facts online.

Jared, Age 10, Mr. Whiteman’s Class.

Posted by Jared  on  10/01  at  08:03 AM

I believe that Insect A is a moth, and insect B is a butterfly because it has bright colors and the wing rest together. Also because Insect B has a thin body and it has a straight or a cubed antennae. I Also believe that Insect A is a moth because moths have dark color and their wings rest at their side. Also I think Insect A is a moth because moths have feathered or pointed antennae.

Meghan, Age 10, Mr. Whiteman’s Class

Posted by Meghan  on  10/01  at  08:30 AM

I think that insect A was a moth because of its brown color and that insect B looked like it was out in the summer and that is the natural habitat.I can also tell because insect B’s tounge that butterflies taste with (I think). that is why I think that insect A is a Moth and insect B is a butterflie

Posted by Caleb 10 mrs.flanagan  on  10/01  at  09:38 AM

Instect A: is a moth because it’s colors aren’t as bright. And because it doesn’t have bulbs on it’s antenna.
Insect B: is a butterfly because it’s has bulbs on it’s antenna and it has black and bright colors.

Altamont elementary school. Guilderland school district.
Teacher Mrs. Farrell 3rd grade.

Posted by Ethan  on  10/01  at  09:41 AM

insect a is a moth and insect b is a butterfly cool smile Maryn Ms.nowak

Posted by Maryn  on  10/01  at  10:43 AM

hello! my name is cass and im in Miss flanagans class. cheese 

I think   “A”  is a moth and “B” is a butterfly.

i think “A” is a moth because it seems flatter than a butterfly, and its wings are a lot different.

i think “B” is a butterfly because its wings look like the butterflys that were in the pictures, and its wings don’t seem flat at all, there sticking up.

                    c u soon! 
  tongue wink grin  cool smile  angry  rolleyes  tongue rolleye cheese  LOL

Posted by Cass  on  10/01  at  01:27 PM

Lots of kids are entering the “Moth or Butterfly?” contest! I am very glad to see you researching and thinking about all this.

Don’t worry if you are not seeing your entry here. We will post all your writing on Friday night, after everyone has had a chance to think about this puzzle.

One student and one class are going to win autographed copies of my book BUTTERFLIES, so keep writing!


Posted by Seymour Simon  on  10/02  at  01:37 AM

I read about if a moth is different than a butterfly and how there alike and not alike in different ways.


Posted by lincoln  on  10/02  at  11:03 AM
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