Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 09/30 at 07:14 AM


The sweetest animal going! :-D

Posted by Seymour  on  09/30  at  08:47 AM

Awwww I couldn’t stop looking at that I want it as a pet it looks like a cute bundle of love. I have a question do you know if they are poison or mean or is it just the most frienly and cutest creature.

Posted by Chiara  on  12/05  at  05:50 PM

Hi, that cute little animal looks adorable! I would love to have one of those! I love small cute little animals!  LOL

Posted by Beth  on  12/05  at  05:57 PM

That also make me say can I have one please couse they are too cute to waist shock

Posted by Abi  on  12/05  at  06:00 PM

Yeah that is so cuuute! Does it bite though? Or is it the most adorable little thing ever!?


Posted by Adam  on  09/30  at  05:32 PM
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