Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 11/19 at 07:26 AM


Hi Mr. Simon,
We are a class of second graders called the Kennel Club.  We read your book Super Storms this week and loved it!  Now we’re looking at your blog. 

I really like that picture of how the earthquake’s force made the train tracks bend.  One of the students in our class was standing during an earthquake, but it was small.  Now that the train tracks are bent it might be fun for kids to ride on a train since they turn.  It also kind of looks like art.  It is really cool how how the earth can make train tracks bend.  We are going to buy your earthquake book! grin
The Kennel Club
New Jersey

Posted by The Kennel Club  on  11/22  at  05:39 AM

Great site, can’t wait to get my class writing on the blog!

Posted by Mr. G.  on  12/03  at  04:51 AM

Dear Kennel Club,

I am very glad to hear from you and to know that you were interested in this story. An earthquake is so powerful, and I like this photograph because it really helps us see just how big the force is!

Thanks for writing. I am always happy to hear from the Kennel Club.

- Seymour Simon

Posted by Seymour Simon  on  12/03  at  08:28 AM
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