cider mill mrs. McCusker
Posted by kelli on 09/18 at 12:29 PM
Why did you watch the fox so carefully? When did you see it? Did it look like a dog? When did you become so interested in foxes?
Posted by michael on 09/19 at 09:07 AM
I can’t wait for you to vist our school hope u like my story
The bug that has been annoying me all day eats away at my flesh I turn around and eat the bug in one bite.I groom my bushy red tail. “What a perfect day!” I think maybe it is time for a nap ? I close my eyes and drift to sleep. It was a peacefull nap. Until a crow wakes me up. I start a nice swim. It was the best swim of my life the cool air and water warm.perfect day to be a fox.
Connecticut cider mill school
Posted by Ryan on 09/19 at 09:55 AM
It was one windy autumn day and there was a fox sitting on a stone. He was thinking of all kinds of things. Then he went to groom his tail and the fox said “Wow my tail is stinking up a storm.” He thought my tail smells like a rotten egg that has been sitting in the sun to long. Then a bird came along and tried to speak but the fox said “Don’t disturb me I’m trying to get my tan in. When the fox was tanning he could feel the warm sun blazing on him. After the fox got his tan he went to his house for dinner.
Grant, Cider Mill, McCusker
Posted by Grant, Cider Mill, McCusker on 09/19 at 01:13 PM
I see a young, red fox sunning himself on a warm, toasty autumn day. He is laying on stones and grass in a field near a creek. The stones are keeping him warm. It looks like the sun is making him squint his shimmery eyes. He looks happy. He is cleaning himself to look good for his date with another fox that night.
5 grade
Posted by jake on 09/24 at 09:31 AM
a butterfly sits with its wings up and a moth will sit with wings down a moth is usauly brown wihte butterflys are bright buetiful colors like blue, orange ,yellow and red
Posted by cassandra w. on 10/04 at 01:43 PM
cider mill mrs. McCusker
Why did you watch the fox so carefully? When did you see it? Did it look like a dog? When did you become so interested in foxes?
I can’t wait for you to vist our school hope u like my story
The bug that has been annoying me all day eats away at my flesh I turn around and eat the bug in one bite.I groom my bushy red tail. “What a perfect day!” I think maybe it is time for a nap ? I close my eyes and drift to sleep. It was a peacefull nap. Until a crow wakes me up. I start a nice swim. It was the best swim of my life the cool air and water warm.perfect day to be a fox.
Connecticut cider mill school
It was one windy autumn day and there was a fox sitting on a stone. He was thinking of all kinds of things. Then he went to groom his tail and the fox said “Wow my tail is stinking up a storm.” He thought my tail smells like a rotten egg that has been sitting in the sun to long. Then a bird came along and tried to speak but the fox said “Don’t disturb me I’m trying to get my tan in. When the fox was tanning he could feel the warm sun blazing on him. After the fox got his tan he went to his house for dinner.
Grant, Cider Mill, McCusker
I see a young, red fox sunning himself on a warm, toasty autumn day. He is laying on stones and grass in a field near a creek. The stones are keeping him warm. It looks like the sun is making him squint his shimmery eyes. He looks happy. He is cleaning himself to look good for his date with another fox that night.
5 grade
a butterfly sits with its wings up and a moth will sit with wings down a moth is usauly brown wihte butterflys are bright buetiful colors like blue, orange ,yellow and red