For Earth Day this year I am going to go to the grocery store and use my recyclable canvas bags. I am also not going to use the plastic bags for my fruit and vegetables. This weekend, I am also going to make a conscious effort to not use gasoline powered transport over the next week.
Posted by Simon on 04/21 at 08:02 AM
I will clean the creek by my house of all the trash in it!!! YAY!!!! (:P ):p (: HAPPY FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by MAGENTA THE AWSOME on 04/21 at 08:17 AM
For Earth Day I am going to use the least amount of water, try to preserve energy, use reusable bags for shopping and keep the green life healthy and clean. =) =P =0 =]
( º-º) <——————BUNNY!
Posted by Flugal on 04/21 at 08:21 AM
Posted by Jay on 04/21 at 08:23 AM
Posted by Justin on 04/22 at 07:51 AM
I am going to celbrate Earth month 2011 by doing many good things for the Earth. A few things that I will do is cleaning up the nearby creeks and roads. Also, I will make the people that surround me aware of the Earth and how much we need to help it.
Posted by Alana B. on 04/25 at 04:08 AM
For earth day I will turn off lights when they are not getting used and go pick up trash around my neighborhood.I will ride my bike to school instead of my mom driving me.This is how you can help the environment around your city.
GO EARTH DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Riley on 04/26 at 02:02 PM
For Earth Day this year I am going to go to the grocery store and use my recyclable canvas bags. I am also not going to use the plastic bags for my fruit and vegetables. This weekend, I am also going to make a conscious effort to not use gasoline powered transport over the next week.
I will clean the creek by my house of all the trash in it!!! YAY!!!! (:P ):p (: HAPPY FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For Earth Day I am going to use the least amount of water, try to preserve energy, use reusable bags for shopping and keep the green life healthy and clean. =) =P =0 =]
( º-º) <——————BUNNY!
For earth day I will tun off lights and any thing electrical that i don’t need to use.
I am going to use candles instead of light bulbs!!!!1!111 I will also unplug tvs and computers, not just put them in standby mode.
For Earth Day this 2011 I’m gong to not use my Microphone and just project my voice. Also I’m going to not use any lights in my house. Also when my Dad and I go to the mart we will not get bags we will get reusable bags instead of plastic bags. Another thing I will do is go to the nearest beach and clean it up.
I am going to celbrate Earth month 2011 by doing many good things for the Earth. A few things that I will do is cleaning up the nearby creeks and roads. Also, I will make the people that surround me aware of the Earth and how much we need to help it.
For earth day I will turn off lights when they are not getting used and go pick up trash around my neighborhood.I will ride my bike to school instead of my mom driving me.This is how you can help the environment around your city.
GO EARTH DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!