Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 08/01 at 04:23 AM


So as a community is there a better way to get involved and get the word out about global warming?

Tyler S.
STEM School

Posted by Tyler S  on  08/18  at  10:00 AM

I know that global warming is real and if we don t do something about it, me or maybe my children will get affected. I think that the reason why the sun is so strong oppose to my dad childhood is because of global warming. Many people worry about animals or cancer and trying to find a cure to it but not enough people are trying to stop the reasons why sun cancer or the deaths of many animals happens. If more people worried about global warming and started to take measures to help this problem then I bealeve many other problems will be harder to cause like sun cancer or extinction.

Posted by Nicolas A.  on  09/11  at  09:59 AM

Rachel’s science blog
To see these polar bears walking on melting ice makes me feel melancholy! I feel this way because if the ice is melting then the polar bears habitat might be declining.  Global warming causes all of this to happen.  If you don’t know what global warming is it is when extreme heat starts to melt the arctic habitat.  Over time I believe that animals that live in the arctic will lose their homes due to global warming!!!

Posted by Warriorcat  on  01/17  at  09:51 AM

You made a few mistakes you spelled garbage wrong no a fence smile PS. keep writing great books i like the space books and this global warming one.


Posted by Aidan  on  02/19  at  05:47 PM

Our class read this book. I can see all these problems happening in some places. So unless we make a change to Global Warming, I can not imagine the future.  We should stop polluting the air because this is what starts Global Warming. I say we need to find a way to get people to notice and stop this.

Posted by Vinod  on  02/20  at  01:27 AM
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