Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 06/26 at 02:02 AM


Hi Liz,
Glad you enjoyed using Sky Map.  As one of the developers of the app I can tell you it gives us a real buzz when people are using it to find their way around the stars.  [You’d be surprised at what other uses people put it to].  It’s particularly exciting when we hear from a parent that they’ve shown a planet to their child for the first time.


Google Pittsburgh

Posted by John Taylor  on  06/27  at  06:08 PM

Thanks John, we love your app! We’ve been using it frequently and I’m already talking about it to audiences of school children and teachers around the country. Tell me if there’s any other way that we can publicize your terrific app.


Posted by Seymour Simon  on  07/08  at  12:04 PM
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