We have a leap year so the left over days that add up wouldn’t mess up the calendar. Since a year is 365.2422. This was first discovered by Julian Ceaser and leap year occurs every 4 years on february 29.
Posted by vignesh on 02/29 at 06:16 AM
A leap year happen ever 4 year’s. it is when the sun has gone around the sun 4 times. that is so because ever year it takes 365 days and 6 hours for the sun to go around the sun ever year. so after 4 yaer that has made 24 hours. that makes leap year.
Posted by Janiah on 02/29 at 07:00 AM
A leap year happens every 4 years.It happens on February 29. Also on leap year, there are 366 days. Julius Ceasar realized that if we do not have a leap year, winter would be in july. Most people on earth use Julian calenders.
Posted by shakthi on 02/29 at 07:02 AM
clumulus clouds are puffy with fat bottoms and are low in the sky. cirrus clouds are the highest clouds it usually means it is a fair weather day. stratus clouds are low fogy and at ground level looks like a grey blanket usually makes it rain or snow
Posted by Brandon H. on 03/05 at 05:35 AM
Hi Seymore Simon, the answer to the 3 most common types of clouds are Stratus, Cumulus, cirrus. On a fair weather day you will see cumulus clouds. By Sreya in Mrs. Marinstein’s class at Menands School.
Posted by sreya on 03/07 at 09:45 AM
I want to join your contest so here are the answers, Stratus Cloud, Cumulus Cloud and Cirrus Cloud. The fairest type of cloud is the Cumulus Cloud. I can’t wait to see you here at Menands School on Thursday! From Anna.
Posted by Anna on 03/07 at 09:48 AM
a leap year comes every 4 years. there are 366 days. if there is no leap day, winter will be longer.
Posted by Andre on 03/07 at 09:49 AM
Posted by Srinija on 03/08 at 04:00 PM
We have a leap year so the left over days that add up wouldn’t mess up the calendar. Since a year is 365.2422. This was first discovered by Julian Ceaser and leap year occurs every 4 years on february 29.
A leap year happen ever 4 year’s. it is when the sun has gone around the sun 4 times. that is so because ever year it takes 365 days and 6 hours for the sun to go around the sun ever year. so after 4 yaer that has made 24 hours. that makes leap year.
A leap year happens every 4 years.It happens on February 29. Also on leap year, there are 366 days. Julius Ceasar realized that if we do not have a leap year, winter would be in july. Most people on earth use Julian calenders.
clumulus clouds are puffy with fat bottoms and are low in the sky. cirrus clouds are the highest clouds it usually means it is a fair weather day. stratus clouds are low fogy and at ground level looks like a grey blanket usually makes it rain or snow
Hi Seymore Simon, the answer to the 3 most common types of clouds are Stratus, Cumulus, cirrus. On a fair weather day you will see cumulus clouds. By Sreya in Mrs. Marinstein’s class at Menands School.
I want to join your contest so here are the answers, Stratus Cloud, Cumulus Cloud and Cirrus Cloud. The fairest type of cloud is the Cumulus Cloud. I can’t wait to see you here at Menands School on Thursday! From Anna.
a leap year comes every 4 years. there are 366 days. if there is no leap day, winter will be longer.
The 3 types of clouds are stratus, cumulus, and cirrus clouds. The type of cloud that appears on a fair weather day is a cumulus cloud.