Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 02/25 at 01:08 PM


Hello Mr. Simon,
    How many tentacles did the pest anemone have? What color was the anemone? We took a class survey and predicted that you would take the pest anemone out of your tank. We can’t wait to hear what you decided to do with the pest.
Your friends,
Mrs. Sposito’s First Grade Class
Menands School

Posted by Mrs. Sposito  on  02/26  at  07:16 AM

Hello Mr.Simon! What was it like ? Did you take the pest anemone out?Love, your science friend Sara

Posted by SB  on  03/22  at  01:56 PM

Hello, science friends. It turned out to be not so easy to get this “pest” anemone out of the aquarium. If you pull it out, tiny pieces break off and each of those grows into a new anemone.

So, I needed to put a “clean up crew” into my aquarium. You can read about it here:

Posted by Seymour Simon  on  03/23  at  09:19 AM
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