Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 02/20 at 04:15 AM


To Mr. Simon:
I am so excited that you have posted a post about US! Also, we weren’t assigned any homework about rising sea levels; we were just interested.
Hansi from SAS:)

Posted by Hansi  on  02/20  at  07:44 PM

Dear Mr. Simon,

I like that you told me all about Rising Sea Levels. Now I think I could tell what is the importance of global warming.

Thank You


Posted by justin  on  02/22  at  01:40 AM

dear seymoursimon

I am Izabell in mrs.lamberts class on the news there are lots and lots of flods every were!

may the blog be with you!!! cool smile


Posted by izabell  on  02/28  at  08:19 AM

Evan 4-R
my favorite book is amazing aircrafts. it is my favorite book because the book looks so interesting. it is crazy that aircrafts could hold 80,000 pounds.

Posted by Logged Out User  on  03/06  at  08:23 AM

me and my friend shannon think this is so sad/so bad.

but its good you think about that


Posted by Ashleigh  on  04/11  at  08:44 AM
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