Beam-A source of light that gives off a powerful blast.
Why I think this word is awesome- I think this word awesome because I’ve been learning about energies in school.
sentence-With my laser beam I will blowup the moon.
Posted by Jack on 01/08 at 02:39 PM
Penn Valley Elementary
Awesome Science Word
a dark shape made on the ground when the light is covered.
Shadows are cool because it’s kind of like the sun is drawing a picture of you.
When I was walking around Disney World my shadow was always there.
Posted by Amanda on 01/09 at 04:27 AM
Penn Valley
Awesome Science
A large, dark, storm cloud that produces rain.
I think it’s awesome because i’m fascinated that the moisture in the air is stored in a cloud and when it gets full, it rains.
When I look up at the sky, sometimes I see a nimbus cloud, floating by.
Posted by Annie on 01/09 at 04:36 AM
Beam-A source of light that gives off a powerful blast.
Why I think this word is awesome- I think this word awesome because I’ve been learning about energies in school.
sentence-With my laser beam I will blowup the moon.
Penn Valley Elementary
Awesome Science Word
a dark shape made on the ground when the light is covered.
Shadows are cool because it’s kind of like the sun is drawing a picture of you.
When I was walking around Disney World my shadow was always there.
Penn Valley
Awesome Science
A large, dark, storm cloud that produces rain.
I think it’s awesome because i’m fascinated that the moisture in the air is stored in a cloud and when it gets full, it rains.
When I look up at the sky, sometimes I see a nimbus cloud, floating by.