Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 08/06 at 06:31 AM


If this is the new information we hope to find, what do we KNOW about Mars knight now?  How did we find this information?  (GMS SCIENCE 6 ONLY PLEASE)

Posted by Dow  on  09/09  at  08:24 AM

1. I believe there would be life on mars.
2. For the first time in history astronauts have landed on mars.
3.They will discover the history of mars.
4.I know because I believe in them. matter how long it will take but rest assured we will know everything about mars.

Posted by Roger B.  on  09/11  at  04:42 AM

I do not believe there is life on mars

Posted by Branden  on  09/11  at  07:36 AM
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