Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 03/08 at 09:49 AM


I have improved in writing a lot this year! I got very interested when you visited our school. You are my favorite author!

Posted by Hunter  on  03/10  at  11:38 AM

I agree, starting is easier than finishing. I Just started a book with two characters in it. One is Bandit. He is really popular in my stories. His brother, Robber, is in it too. I cant wait to work on it!

Posted by Marissa  on  03/23  at  04:49 AM

I have a tip, when you read books you get different tips like when different people are talking make a new line.  I love writing I do it in my spare time plus in school my teacher, Mrs. Schleyer told us we had to make a spring story and mine was 5 pages long!

Posted by Olivia  on  05/03  at  05:17 AM
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