Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 01/19 at 03:38 AM


This is cooleoo

Posted by Anonymous  on  01/19  at  09:14 AM

Hi Semour Simon. I loved when you came to our school by far I thought you were the best author that came to our school!!!!!!!!! My class was the one that told you to drive safely! smile smile smile :D

Posted by Sydney  on  01/25  at  12:28 PM

question why is the snowman in that specific spot in Miami, Seattle like why not in Conn.  (Connecticut) like whats so good about Seattle for that it can has it special snow man? rolleyes why cant other states do that that’s a mission for you Seymour Simon.
from, Ryan K.  in Connecticut tongue laugh

Posted by Ryan K.  on  12/02  at  07:29 AM
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