Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 06/05 at 03:57 AM


that sad about the brown name is noah and im 9 and im almost 10 but my friend/classmate alana wrote to you a few days ago about the oil spill.when she said that she wrote to you about the oil spill my teacher said the oil company is cheap. they don’t want to develop the new technology. about the turtles she wrote to you about im sad about that too because i like sea turtles too.they are cool animals and i was a use to have one.when i would look at it swim it would jet through the fish tank untill it past away.i just hope the oil spill ends.

Posted by noah  on  06/06  at  03:01 PM

Hi Noah, it’s terribly sad about the birds and other kinds of wildlife that are being affected by the oil spill in the Gulf. Maybe one of the things that we can do to help is to make sure that people know about what’s happening and don’t let the oil spill become “old news.” You and Alana and your classmates can help by alerting your friends in other classes to keep up with news about the oil spill here or on other blogs as well. The more kids like you and Alana write about these things and tell their friends, the more pressure there is on the company and the government to makes sure that these kinds of environmental disasters never happen again.

Posted by Seymour Simon  on  06/07  at  10:19 AM

Wow the story about brown bird is very sad! How do you think we can fix this? Also, where do you get your resources? It is amazing how this happens.

Posted by Megan  on  11/21  at  06:34 AM

Don’t you think you should write a article about how to stop oil spills? smile

Posted by Anna  on  02/24  at  01:21 AM
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