Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 02/09 at 03:31 AM


There are so much stuff that we do not know about our pets? Why do they bark?

Posted by Sarah  on  02/09  at  02:14 PM

yes cause he does not know whats going on lol cheese

Posted by Mr. Keane's Class  on  02/28  at  04:04 AM

hey can u see if there is more videos about animals can u post them on thanks LOL

Posted by Mr. Keane's Class  on  02/28  at  12:36 PM

Here is a link to see all the video posted on this blog. It is not all about animals, but lots of it is. Try this URL:

Posted by Seymour Simon  on  02/28  at  12:43 PM

that was cute i love dogs and cats do you?my cat had kittens last night!


Posted by kaytlin  on  04/09  at  07:22 AM
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