Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 12/24 at 12:50 AM


A thick wall or barrier built across a river to control the flow of water. Dams are built of earth and rock, or concrete. The water held in dams can be used as a source of hydroelectric power, irrigation, or drinking water. If a dam bursts severe flooding can cause great damage to communities down-river.  raspberry

Posted by Savannah  on  01/07  at  08:00 AM

A grayish-white meltalic element.Zirconium is a very strong,malleable, ductile,shiny metal that is very resisant to heat and corrosion.It is used in atomic reactors to protect uranium fuel from waterthat is being heated. Zirconium compounds are also used in furnaces,crumbles,and ceramic glazes. Zirconium has an atomic number of 40 and an atomic weight of 91.22. Its chemical symbol is Zr.
              I like this word because I like metals and strong things
    The Ziconium in the reactor failed its going to blow!

Posted by jack  on  01/07  at  08:04 AM

A thick wall or barrier built across a river to control the flow of water. Dams are built of earth and rock, or concrete. The water held in dams can be used as a source of hydroelectric power, irrigation, or drinking water. If a dam bursts, severe flooding can cause great damage to communities down-river.

                          I like this word because I think it’s cool how dams can hold up so much water and the water doesn’t flow over the top of the dam or the dam doesn’t break.

“Wow! Look how strong that dam is!”

Posted by Savannah  on  01/07  at  08:07 AM

A type of mammal that has a pouch to carry its young.  Examples are kangaroos, koalas, opossums and wambats.

I like this word because it is just cool to say grin

Most marsupials are found in Australia.

Posted by Nicky  on  01/07  at  03:31 PM
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