Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 04/22 at 08:34 AM


Hi Seymour Simon!!! 
I totally agree that sharks are pets that only some people like, but some other pets only a few people like include snakes, spiders sharks and other animals like that. Here is a picture of one of the insects nobody likes.

Posted by Emma  on  02/09  at  11:13 AM

smile Hi Seymour Simon!!!!
you came to my school a month or two ago.
I never knew that it took two days to get to the moon
and you look awesome when you where flying that paper air plane. smile

Posted by Brendan  on  03/09  at  02:03 PM

Hello I just wanted to ask you a question and my question is if you recycle at home like cans,glass,paper or other items? smile

Posted by Giselle  on  04/19  at  05:49 AM

Hi, Giselle. Yes, we do recycle at home. We can recycle paper, plastic, cans, bottles, newspapers….I just have to remember to put it out for pickup every Wednesday night. Otherwise, I have to jump out of bed when I hear the recycle truck early Thursday morning!

Posted by Seymour Simon  on  04/19  at  06:31 AM

Hi SEymour, I saw a discovery special on the earth ship building in the desert and i wa sreally excited by the possibilities, have you come across earth ship homes and could you see yourself building one?


Posted by adrian  on  07/27  at  06:27 AM

Have you ever ate a Turkey Vulture? I like how you put in very clear photos. Is the Turkey Vulture ever ate at Thanksgiving?


Posted by Clifford  on  02/19  at  05:51 PM

Hi, Clifford.
As far as I know, no one eats a turkey vulture for Thanksgiving. It is quite a different animal than the wild turkey, which IS what we eat for Thanksgiving.

I have a question for you. Do you celebrate Thanksgiving at the American School, even though you are in China?

Posted by Seymour Simon  on  02/20  at  02:28 AM
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