Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 02/13 at 03:52 AM


It looks like a pretty pretty heart. That would be a perfect picture for valentines day. I wonder if that just happend for valentines day. But i don’t think so.

Posted by Cassidy M  on  02/13  at  06:36 AM

That is soooooo pretty! I would love to have that as my background.

Posted by Daniella  on  02/13  at  06:44 AM

For those of you who would like to use the picture as your background or screensaver this week, you have his permission to download the photo. Right click on the image, and you will be able to download it for Valentine’s Day.

Posted by Liz Nealon  on  02/13  at  06:50 AM

A leap year is a year when an extra day is added on to February.The reason for this is because the earth takes more than 365 days to rotate around the world it takes 365.2422 days. After 4 years it ends up to take about one extra day to turn. So after all we need Leap Year.

Posted by Alanna  on  02/29  at  06:58 AM

Thats so cool!!!

New York

Posted by Subaita  on  06/09  at  04:46 AM
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