Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 03/05 at 05:20 PM


How did you creat these books?  Have you ever seen a gardner snake?  Did you ever swim with whales.  I’m looking forward to meeting you at Menands School on Thursday

Mady cool grin

Posted by Mady  on  03/05  at  11:38 PM

The three types of clouds are Cumulus, Cirrus , and Stratus clouds. Cumulus clouds are puffy and seem flat on the bottom. Cirrus clouds looks like sand but not yellow. Stratus clouds looks like thin snow. Cumulus clouds are what you would see on a nice fair day.

Posted by Amelia  on  03/06  at  12:58 PM

Thanks for putting our pictures and blogs up so quickly. We are very excited to meet you on Thursday!
Mrs. Sposito

Posted by Nancy Sposito  on  03/06  at  01:05 PM

I actually found four common types of clouds. They are Cirrus,Altostratus,Stratus,and Cumulus. Cirrus clouds are high clouds. They are icy and thin,and are blown in high winds into long streamers. Altostratus clouds are usually gray or blue-gray colored. These clouds cover most of the sky and are made of ice crystals and water droplets. Stratus clouds are gray clouds that cover the sky, they are quite foggy and misty. Cumulus clouds are white and puffy, they can develop into thunderstorms.

  Cumulus clouds are the clouds you’d most likely see on a fair weather day. They’re the big, white puffy clouds you see in the sky usually. They grow upward in the sky into big giant cumulonimbus clouds that can make thunderstorms.

Posted by Karin  on  03/07  at  11:58 AM

Hi, Mrs. Sposito’s class! Thank you for posting your photos, and for all your great comments and questions on my books. I will try to answer as many as I can when I see you tomorrow!

Posted by Seymour Simon  on  03/07  at  10:30 PM

Hi, Mady. Yes, I have seen a garter snake, in fact, I wrote about it on my blog. Here is a link to see a photograph of a garter snake in my tree!

I don’t know if it would be a good idea to swim with whales, but I have had a chance to watch them from the shore when they were migrating. What beautiful creatures!

Posted by Seymour Simon  on  03/08  at  11:23 AM

Dear Seymour Simon,

I really think you are the best author grin . I wish you could stay with our school and tell us more about your books. How did you like visiting our school?  grin

Posted by Aditi  on  03/08  at  06:48 PM

Hello Mr. Simon,

I understand that you met my wife Anne last week at Menands School.  From what I hear from my wife and her co-workers, your visit was quite a success.  Anne remarked that the school was quite the buzz the day of and after your visit.  Judging from the blogs, I can only imagine the thrill that the children experienced meeting such a well-known and respected author.  I am happy that you enjoyed your visit.  It sounds like the children did too. I am sorry I could not have met you myself.  Yours were the first books I used when I began student teaching.  I believe that your work is extraordinary and that you are a credit to the education of our young children.  I wish you continued success in your endeavors.

David Ford

Posted by David G. Ford  on  03/11  at  09:39 PM
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