Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 01/26 at 10:21 AM


Wow! This is a great chart! My favorite dag is a lab. This is because my best friend had a lab!

Posted by Lauren  on  01/27  at  04:37 AM

Awww… I love boxer dogs because they’re soo cute…
I have one thats why! I also like Springer Spaniels! tongue wink

Posted by Jared  on  02/02  at  06:54 AM


Posted by Jason  on  02/09  at  06:03 AM

I like Labs. cool smile

Posted by Robert  on  02/09  at  06:06 AM

My favorite dog breed is miniature schnauzer because my dog is one. By the way, I’m also from the school you are visting this month too! I think you are an awesome author! Dogs are great pet companions to my opinion, because they are very playful and love to cuddle up to you!! If you watch Dogs 101 on Animal Planet, you can learn about the dog breeds you love! Like, they can tell you where they were breeded in and a dog that either saved their owners life or the owner tells how they love them! You should watch it and learn about the boxer and spring spaniel!

Posted by Olivia  on  02/09  at  06:08 AM

Hi! Just wanted to say that my favorite dog is a Bichon Poodle. I love that most because it’s my dog. It’s a girl. Her name is Molly!


        P.S. Awesome site dude!

Posted by kieran  on  02/09  at  06:10 AM

Hi Seymour Simon!
My name is Emma, I go to the school you are going to visit later on in February. I just wanted to write back and tell you that I don’t have only 1 favorite dog,  I have lots of favorite dogs, such as the English Springer Spaniel (just like you!), the Yorkishire Terrier, Labs, and many, many more! Also I think that dogs are the best stay-at-home pets and that they are really soft and sweet!

Posted by Emma  on  02/09  at  06:14 AM

Wow - Churchville students, you are just knocking me out! I am so pleased to see your comments on my blog. It lets me know what you like to read, so we can keep serving up good stuff in future blog posts.

Thanks for getting involved. I can’t wait to meet you all.


Posted by Seymour Simon  on  02/09  at  07:27 AM

I just want you to know that I love to read books and I can’t wait to read your books and meet you!!! cool smile 

      P.S. I want you to know that I am awesome!!!

Posted by Olivia  on  02/09  at  02:28 PM

My favorite dog type is german shepherd. Speaking of dogs, i might get one soon! smile

Posted by Marissa  on  02/12  at  01:35 PM

Hi, I love LABS!!!!!!

Posted by Giana  on  02/24  at  01:14 PM

I’ve been searching in google for some new ideas and accidentally found this site. Thanks for taking the time to discuss this, I feel strongly about info and I like to find out more on this. If possible, would you mind updating your blog with more information? It is so helpful for me.

Posted by parrot  on  04/24  at  08:25 PM

Hi Mr.Simon on the favorite dogs thing mine is a greyhound because my grandpa owns NGAP National Greyhound Adoption Program and i also love poodles. I have two one named Charlie and one named Oliver they are brown and white Charlie white and Oliver brown and sadly my greyhound Iceman pasted away at age nine on July 5

Bye thanks

Posted by Elizabeth  on  05/03  at  05:17 AM

Dear Seymour Simon, my favorite breed of dog is a Lab also. Did you know that a lab was originally bred to retrieve birds?  grin

Posted by Giana  on  01/02  at  07:15 AM
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