Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 07/28 at 06:01 AM


Ew…. Gross… It s normal, but, disgusting because some people actually barf over the side. Yuk!

Posted by Emily  on  08/21  at  10:07 AM

Im sick from school today because of a stomach virus.  sick

Ive never been on a boat, and I probably wont be on one. I have a slight phobia.  gulp

Posted by Marissa  on  01/12  at  03:59 AM

Uhh, I DO actually get sick on boats.. And trains… And cars..  gulp Im starting to get sick..  sick Pbhtt.. So.. I am going to be the first one to actually comment on Seymours question. Excuse me Seymour? Hello, Hi…You have a question.. And I would love to answer it.. You have asked why do people get sick on boats? And MY answer, Not everyone thinks this a lot, is COME ON PEOPLE, THEY JUST DO GET BOAT-SICK…. NO PROBLEM RIGHT??
downer Any problem with that?
So I got no more things to say but I just gotta say that I JUST LOVE THIS WEB-SITE SO MUCH I JUST CANT HELP IT.. long face  DUDE.. HI SEYMOUR YOUR MY INSPERATION…. LOL
I would love to talk to you..
No, im kidding..  big surprise
Ever heard of Harry Houdini??
Oh bye.

Portland, OR

Posted by Natalie  on  05/31  at  03:53 PM
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