Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 04/04 at 12:40 AM


Butterflies are so amazing and there wing are so beautiful that everyone likes butterflies. Butterflies like to hop on the flowers and they like to hop on people shoulders.     

Jayden C
Menands New York

Posted by Nancy Sposito  on  04/04  at  07:32 AM

I will not litter the Earth because the Earth let’s us live.

Mady V.
Menands School

Posted by Nancy Sposito  on  04/04  at  08:46 AM

I like the Butterfly Book. Butterflies make me calm. I love butterflies so   much   I   will cry.  If I saw a butterfly I   would want to keep it as a pet .Butterflies fly really fast   and butterflies are sometimes calm. I want a butterfly. If I did not see a butterfly I will cry. I am sad when they die. grin

Alexis S.
New York

Posted by Alexis S  on  04/04  at  10:49 AM

A butterfly is one of the insects on earth and they make me happy. They help our world and our planet. Please don’t kill them! They are not scary and they didn’t do anything to us.

New York

Posted by Reem  on  04/04  at  01:41 PM

Butterflies are amazing to watch because they drink nectar from flowers. Where do butterflies live in the woods in the foresst or by the lake?

Posted by Alexa E  on  04/05  at  11:50 AM

I promise to save a lot of electricty in my house
and help to save the magnificent earth.

James Fallon School

Posted by Justin  on  04/16  at  04:00 AM
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