Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 04/11 at 09:14 AM


I hope the ice does not prevent the polar bears from living out their lives in their natural habitat.

Amy Duncan
Murphy Elementary, Metamora, Michigan

Posted by Amy Duncan  on  04/11  at  02:22 PM

Here is mine:
        Global warming affects the Earth in many ways:
          1.decreasing polar caps increases the sea level
          2.climate changes
          3.temperature higher than usual
 maybe overflooded ‘cause of increasing sea level


Posted by neil  on  04/11  at  02:40 PM

i love Seymour Simon’s books!!!  kiss

Rian B.

Posted by rian b  on  04/11  at  04:53 PM

i wish the polar bear’s do not fall in to the water grrr

Rian B.

Posted by rian b  on  04/11  at  05:00 PM

I think that this is very sad. People should do all they can are this point to save the polar bears. I just hope this ice won’t break. Because just think about all the polar bears that will be hurt or even killed.
When it comes the time for global warming then I get sad. I know it sounds corny. But its true! So if it is possible please try to save these poor creatures in the article.


Posted by Nici  on  04/12  at  04:48 PM

Survival of polar bears is thretend by the melting of the ice. Temp is getting higher and higher and the ice is melting. Some of the plankton will not make the change,and if the ice is melting the polar bears will go hungry. Polar bears are thretend by global warming.

By Mara J
Mrs. Stewarts class midway elementary holt mi.

Posted by Mara J  on  04/16  at  04:03 PM

Survival of polar bears is threatened because global warming is melting the ice. We need to care about this NOW because it has been going on for a very long time. If global warming keeps going on we can start having hotter summers and that means the ice will melt faster. Polar bears also need a lot of food and if the ice is melting the polar bears get less food. Polar bears are threatened. 

  Survival of polar bears is threatened because of global warming melting the ice. It has been melting glaciers, ice bergs since 1995. We need to act fast polar bears are threatened.

Rebecca S and Deigo H
Midway Elementary
-Mrs. Stewart’s Class
Holt, Michigan

Posted by Rebecca S and Deigo H  on  04/16  at  04:05 PM

Survival of polar bears are threatened by the melting of the arctic ice because polar bears need to eat alot so there will be less food. If you use less cars the earth wouldn’t have as many gasses. Also it has been going on for a long time. Polar bears are threatened by the melting of the arctic ice.

Marquise W and Nate S
Mrs. Stewart’s Class
Midway Elementary
Holt, MI

Posted by Marquise W and Nate S  on  04/16  at  04:06 PM

Survival of polar bears is threatened by the melting of the arctic ice because global warming Is melting the ice the polar bears are dying.

By Tanner G ,  Angelina l    
Mrs. Stewart’s Class
Midway Elementary
Holt, M

Posted by Angelina L and Tanner G  on  04/16  at  04:07 PM

Survival of the Polar Bear is threatened by the melting of the Arctic ice because Global Warming. 2011 was one of the worst tornado seasons. Global Warming helps cause tornados. We are also putting pollution in the air. Transportation, making electricity, industries, and heating homes is causing Global Warming. Polar Bears eat a lot, so when there is less ice, and they can’t catch their Seals, they are threatened.Survival of Polar Bears is threatened by the melting of the Arctic Ice.

Cameron M.            Zachary H.
Mrs. Stewart’s class
Midway Elementry
Holt MI

Posted by Cameron M. Zachary H.  on  04/16  at  04:08 PM

Survival of Polar Bears is threatened by the melting of the Arctic ice because polar bears eat a lot of food and the more the ice melts the less food Polar bears have to eat. Global Warming has been around since 1995 so you should care now, not later. Global Warming doesn’t only affect animal it also affects humans too. Polar bears are threatened by Global Warming.

Baylee Y and Austin P
Mrs. Stewart’s Class
Midway Elementary Holt, MI

Posted by Baylee Y and Austin P  on  04/16  at  04:09 PM

Survival of the polar bears is threatened by the melting of the arctic ice because in the ice age the temperature was 9 degrees Fahrenheit colder than it is today. Also global warming is having a big impact casing ice caps to melt which will cause polar bears to move.  Something interesting you should know is Mount Kilimanjaro lost three forth’s of its ice sense 1900 – 2000. Polar bears are threatened by global warming.

Sara P and Hunter G
Mrs. Stewart’s Class
Midway Elementary
Holt, MI

Posted by Sara P and Hunter G  on  04/16  at  04:10 PM

Survival of polar bears is thretend by melting of the artic ice because polar bears eat seals. The seals would haved to be foreced to go some where else then the polar bears would have nothing to eat. Then all of thew would starve and they would all extinct.

Danae P and Jaden T
Mrs. Stewart’s Class
Midway Elementary
Holt, MI

Posted by Danae P and Jaden T  on  04/16  at  04:11 PM

Survival of polar bears is threatened by the melting of Ice because global warming is melting the ice. And the less the ice the less food there is. The global warming has been going on since 1999. The Greenland ice sheet is melting too. Experts predict that it may take 1000 years for the sheet to completely melt. We need to care now. 2011: scientist measured a lot of effect of global warming. Polar bears are being threatened by greenhouse gases.
          Survival of the polar bears is threatened by the melting of the arctic. Global warming is melting the ice. They need to eat food and shelter to live in because if the ice is melting they could eat no food they would have to swim.

BY. Isabel. A & Destyn.C
Midway elementary Mrs. Stewart’s class

Posted by Isabel. A & Destyn.C  on  04/16  at  04:12 PM

What can we do to prevent the green house effect?


Posted by Daniel  on  04/16  at  04:19 PM

I hope nothing happens to the polar bears, I also hope that they are okay….

Alyssa and Karla
PDN Texas

Posted by Alyssa and Karla  on  04/17  at  04:31 PM

“When do you think polar bears will go instinct ?”, I hope the polar bears have enough food to survive , and that the polar bear population increases !

Alex and Luis

Posted by Alex and Luis  on  04/19  at  05:36 PM

We hope that other animals don t get affected, with The Green House Affect. We should do something for the poor polar bears, and the other Arctic animals.

Bryan and Juan

Posted by Bryan and Juan  on  04/19  at  05:36 PM

How do you know that happens around the world?

I had sometimes been wondering ,does this happens because of oil, gas,and natural gas?

Carriel and briana

Posted by Carriel and briana  on  04/19  at  05:37 PM
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