Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 04/30 at 08:58 AM


Plus Mrs. Edwards a 3rd grade teacher is the queen of recycling! She sells seedlings, composts, recycles and thats just the beginning.
One year I went to school for our Halloween parade and I went as Mother Earth
My sister thinks I was a hippie in my past life…
Go Green Dudes!! tongue rolleye

Posted by Olivia  on  05/03  at  05:08 AM

I love earth day excaim Thanks for posting all our comments. zipper

Posted by Andy  on  05/03  at  05:11 AM

Also in winter near Christmas a website called they raise the “coins” and get REAL money and give it to people for houses, medical care and helping the forests.
Only in winter though but if you join in winter and get tons of “coins” you can help save the earth!!

Posted by Olivia  on  05/03  at  05:14 AM

All the kids in my class posted something LOL

Posted by Kiera  on  05/03  at  05:38 AM
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