1.) Pluto is the second-most-massive known dwarf planet in the Solar System.
2.)Pluto was originally classified as the ninth planet from the Sun.
3.) Pluto is composed primarily of rock and ice and is relatively small.
Posted by Kaleigh on 02/07 at 06:21 AM
~Pluto has three moons in all
~Pluto is named after a god, not a dog
~The sun would look like a bright star from Pluto, since they are so far away from eachother
Posted by Olivia P. on 02/07 at 06:24 AM
pluto is the second most massive dwraf planet
primaraly made out of rock and ice
discovered in 1930
Posted by Lynne on 02/07 at 06:24 AM
pluto is a dwarf planet.
the color of pluto is redish brown.
the sun would look like a bright star from pluto because they are so far away from each other.
Posted by zack on 02/07 at 06:29 AM
pluto has an enourmous moon for its size,Charon.
technically,pluto’s name is now 134340 after being declassified as a planet
pluto was discovered in 1930 by clyde tombaugh
Posted by logan on 02/07 at 06:29 AM
1.In 2006 Pluto was demoted to a dwarf plant
2.Because Pluto is so far away fron the sun it is very very cold with temperatures ranging from -235 Degrees Clesuis to -210 Degress Clesuis
3.Pluto consists of rock and a very thick layer of ice
Posted by Paige on 02/07 at 06:30 AM
Pluto is smaller than the earths moon
Some scientists think Pluto is not a planet
The sun looks like a bright star from Pluto
Posted by Will R. on 02/07 at 06:36 AM
in roman mytholy pluto is the god of the underworld perhapes its so faraway from the sun that it is in darkness and perhapes because pl are the inesals of persival lowell
pluto was desoverd in 1930 bu fortunate accident caculate wich later turend out to be an errior this planet is behind neptune based on montions of uranious and neptune not knowing of the errour clycle w tombough a lowell observatory in arizonia which turned up pluto anyway
pluto has not yet been visated by a space craft yet but in januray of 2006 if all goes well it should reach pluto by 2015
Posted by julia on 02/07 at 06:38 AM
Pluto is smaller than the earths moon
Some scientists think Pluto is not a planet
The sun looks like a bright star from Pluto
Posted by Will R. on 02/07 at 06:39 AM
Pulto is a dwarf planet.
Pulto is the farthest planet from the sun.
Pulto is the smallest plant.
people say that Pluto is just all tiny rocks.
Posted by Charles on 02/07 at 06:40 AM
Pluto is smaller then the Earth’s moon:).
Pluto’s color is reddish - brown
pluto was discovered in 1930 by clyde tombaugh
Posted by Andrew P on 02/07 at 06:42 AM
Wow. Entries are pouring in as Seymour’s visit approaches. Mr. Kinkead’s fourth graders - we can see that you are all in the computer lab right now. Keep those facts and comments coming!
We will show all your writing on the website after the contest ends on Friday.
Good work, everybody.
Posted by Liz Nealon on 02/07 at 06:43 AM
1. Pluto is a far_ off icy body in our solar system.
2.pluto is a dwarf planet.
3. plato cannot be seen with a telscope!!!!
Posted by Angelena on 02/07 at 07:26 AM
Pluto was discovered in 1930:)
Pluto was considered a dwarf planet:)
Once considered a major planet:)
Posted by Mrs. Rodgers on 02/07 at 07:28 AM
pluto is a dwarf planet
pluto is a far icy body in our solar system
it is 248 for pluto to orbit the sun in 1930
Posted by dominic on 02/07 at 07:28 AM
My third grade students are now in the computer room at Sol Feinstone Elementary School. We are entering our facts for your contest. We look forward to meeting you tomorrow at our school. 
Sincerely, Mrs. Diane Rodgers
Posted by Mrs. Rodgers on 02/07 at 07:35 AM
Pluto is a far-off icy body in our solar system:)
pluto is a dwarf planet 
pluto cannot be seen with a telescope:)
Posted by Angelena on 02/07 at 07:36 AM
Posted by Alison on 02/07 at 07:36 AM
Posted by cole on 02/07 at 07:37 AM
1. Pluto was discovered in 1930, the Hubble space telescope took the first good pictures of Pluto in 1996:)
2. Pluto is much smaller than Earth, and it is very cold. Pluto has at least three moons:)
3. It takes about 248 years for Pluto to orbit the sun:)
Posted by Julia N on 02/07 at 07:39 AM
1.pluto is a far off planit in are solcr system:)
2.pluto is made out of ice 
3.pluto comes to the sun then Neptune:)
Posted by Peter on 02/07 at 07:39 AM
pluto is made out of ice:)
pluto is smaller the earth:)
pluto was discovered in1930
Posted by Garrett on 02/07 at 07:39 AM
Posted by will on 02/07 at 07:39 AM
Pluto has 3 moons.
It is an icy planet.
It is a dwarf planet.
Posted by Patch on 02/07 at 07:43 AM
Pluto has 3 moons.
Charon, 1 of Pluto’s moons, is almost as big as Pluto.
Pluto is a dwarf planet.
Pluto has an icy body.
It takes about 248 years for Pluto to orbit the sun.
Pluto was discovered in 1930
Posted by Kyle on 02/07 at 07:44 AM
1.) Pluto is the second-most-massive known dwarf planet in the Solar System.
2.)Pluto was originally classified as the ninth planet from the Sun.
3.) Pluto is composed primarily of rock and ice and is relatively small.
~Pluto has three moons in all
~Pluto is named after a god, not a dog
~The sun would look like a bright star from Pluto, since they are so far away from eachother
pluto is the second most massive dwraf planet
primaraly made out of rock and ice
discovered in 1930
pluto is a dwarf planet.
the color of pluto is redish brown.
the sun would look like a bright star from pluto because they are so far away from each other.
pluto has an enourmous moon for its size,Charon.
technically,pluto’s name is now 134340 after being declassified as a planet
pluto was discovered in 1930 by clyde tombaugh
1.In 2006 Pluto was demoted to a dwarf plant
2.Because Pluto is so far away fron the sun it is very very cold with temperatures ranging from -235 Degrees Clesuis to -210 Degress Clesuis
3.Pluto consists of rock and a very thick layer of ice
Pluto is smaller than the earths moon
Some scientists think Pluto is not a planet
The sun looks like a bright star from Pluto
in roman mytholy pluto is the god of the underworld perhapes its so faraway from the sun that it is in darkness and perhapes because pl are the inesals of persival lowell
pluto was desoverd in 1930 bu fortunate accident caculate wich later turend out to be an errior this planet is behind neptune based on montions of uranious and neptune not knowing of the errour clycle w tombough a lowell observatory in arizonia which turned up pluto anyway
pluto has not yet been visated by a space craft yet but in januray of 2006 if all goes well it should reach pluto by 2015
Pluto is smaller than the earths moon
Some scientists think Pluto is not a planet
The sun looks like a bright star from Pluto
Pulto is a dwarf planet.
Pulto is the farthest planet from the sun.
Pulto is the smallest plant.
people say that Pluto is just all tiny rocks.
Pluto is smaller then the Earth’s moon:).
Pluto’s color is reddish - brown
pluto was discovered in 1930 by clyde tombaugh
Wow. Entries are pouring in as Seymour’s visit approaches. Mr. Kinkead’s fourth graders - we can see that you are all in the computer lab right now. Keep those facts and comments coming!
We will show all your writing on the website after the contest ends on Friday.
Good work, everybody.
1. Pluto is a far_ off icy body in our solar system.
2.pluto is a dwarf planet.
3. plato cannot be seen with a telscope!!!!
Pluto was discovered in 1930:)
Pluto was considered a dwarf planet:)
Once considered a major planet:)
pluto is a dwarf planet
pluto is a far icy body in our solar system
it is 248 for pluto to orbit the sun in 1930
My third grade students are now in the computer room at Sol Feinstone Elementary School. We are entering our facts for your contest. We look forward to meeting you tomorrow at our school.
Sincerely, Mrs. Diane Rodgers
Pluto is a far-off icy body in our solar system:)
pluto is a dwarf planet
pluto cannot be seen with a telescope:)
1.Pluto is a far off icy body in our solar systm.
3.It takes about 248 years for Pluto to orbit the sun.
2.Pluto cannot be seen from Earth without a telescope.
pluto is a far-off icy body in our solar sstem.
pluto was the god of the dead in roman mythology.
pluto is a dwarf planet that orbits far from the sun.
1. Pluto was discovered in 1930, the Hubble space telescope took the first good pictures of Pluto in 1996:)
2. Pluto is much smaller than Earth, and it is very cold. Pluto has at least three moons:)
3. It takes about 248 years for Pluto to orbit the sun:)
1.pluto is a far off planit in are solcr system:)
2.pluto is made out of ice
3.pluto comes to the sun then Neptune:)
pluto is made out of ice:)
pluto is smaller the earth:)
pluto was discovered in1930
pluto is 38 times as far from the sun .
pluto cannot be seen seen from earth without a telascope.
pluto is a icy body in our solar sistum.
Pluto has 3 moons.
It is an icy planet.
It is a dwarf planet.
Pluto has 3 moons.
Charon, 1 of Pluto’s moons, is almost as big as Pluto.
Pluto is a dwarf planet.
Pluto has an icy body.
It takes about 248 years for Pluto to orbit the sun.
Pluto was discovered in 1930