Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 03/30 at 09:00 AM


The Earth Day promise i will follow is instead of bringing plastic bags to the grocery store my mom and i will bring the reusable bags

Nicole A.
James Fallon School
Mrs. Maggio’s class

Posted by Nicole A  on  04/20  at  04:11 PM

Dear Mr.Simon
For Earth Day I will pick up anthing that’s garbage to the land. I will also recycle water bottels and cans,and do anthing i can do to save the Earth. Such as walkking to places.

James Fallon School-Mrs. Maggio’s class

Posted by Steven.M  on  04/20  at  04:12 PM

I will shut of the TV when I’m not using it. I also, would take short showers to save water. I would NEVER cut down a tree. I will use both sides of a paper and so much more. I promise do this so I can make a different everyday!!!

Delaney M.
James Fallon School- Mrs. Maggio’s class

Posted by Delaney M.  on  04/20  at  04:13 PM

hey mr simon what are you doing for earth day?
Well im going to help the invierment by growing trees and flowers at scholl and in my garden in my yard. I can also help the envierment by picking up garbge and put it in the trash ot recyclying. so i hope you have a great 2012 Earth Day!

Posted by Anthony D.  on  04/20  at  04:13 PM

My Earth Day promise is that i will make sure that my
family will reuse,and recycle anything that they can.
that’s how I will help the Earth.

Natalie B.
James Fallon Shool
Mrs.Maggio’s class

Posted by Natalie B  on  04/20  at  04:14 PM

my promise to plant flowers and trees i will reclye i will save my earth and my world thats my promise to you and my world and earth i promise

kelsie r
james fallon school
mrs maggio class

Posted by kelsie r  on  04/22  at  02:32 PM

Our class is learning about plants and how they help the Earth. We are planting sunflower seeds that we will replant at home. When the flowers have died, we will remove all the seeds and share them with family and friends to plant more. wink

Mrs. Schirmer’s Class
East Greenbush, NY

Posted by Ellen Schirmer  on  04/23  at  04:08 PM

My earth day promises…..

1. plant new trees and flowers

2. reuse, reduce, recycle

3. use less light bulbs

4. wear green on earth day

5. reuse trash to make new things

Menands School

Posted by Macy  on  04/24  at  11:59 AM

My Earth Day Promise is to….

Not litter and help the Earth.

I also promise to treat the Earth like mama would treat her newborn.

I feel if everybody helps the Earth, it will get better over time.  grin

Alanna H.
Menands School
Menands, New York
Fifth Grade M.I.T

Posted by Alanna  on  04/24  at  12:00 PM

I will plant tomato plants with my mom. Then I will put up no littering signs around my neighborhood.

Mahila K.
Fifth Grade M.I.T.
Menands School grin

Posted by heart81  on  04/24  at  12:04 PM

My Earth Day Promise is…
        *to make a trash sculpture of the earth using plastic and aluminum cans that have been previously crushed
        *to make a model of a water pressure engine-
it works by having a high pressured stream of water hitting a “hamster wheel” which rotates the wheels and lets the car move
Dennis H. 
The Fifth Grade MIT
Menands, NY

Posted by Dennis H  on  04/24  at  12:04 PM
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