Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 03/14 at 05:50 AM


Hi my name is Pamela. I read your book called Earthquakes and posts about Earthquakes. I have a question. Why are there not any earthquakes near Corpus Christi but there are some in major ones in central U.S. ?  Neither places are close to a fault line.

Posted by Pamela  on  05/18  at  11:57 AM

Hi Pamela, Earthquakes usually occur where there are major structural breaks and high stress zones at fault lines. BUT This doesn’t mean that they cannot or will not occur other places as well, and that includes Corpus Christi as well as the central United States. They just happen less often and are usually not as strong. But they might occur!

Good question Pamela!

Posted by Seymour Simon  on  05/19  at  06:07 AM
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