May 18, 2013
Though we picked our winners at random, we want to recognize some of the other very strong research and writing by the students of Lower Gwynedd Elementary School (and kids from other states, too) as part of the Three Fascinating Facts about Sharks contest. Some of the information that you all found is simply too good not to share!
Helen, a third grader in Mrs. Salvitti’s class, wrote:
1. Some sharks remain on the move for their whole lives. This forces water over their gills, delivering oxygen to the blood stream. If the shark stops moving then it will suffocate and die.
2. A pup (baby shark) is born ready to take care of itself. The mother shark leaves the pup to fend for itself and the pup usually makes a fast get away before the mother tries to eat it.
3. Not all species of shark give birth to live pups. Some species lay the egg case on the ocean floor and the pup hatches later on its own.
Photo: Gills of a nurse shark
And how about these interesting facts from Shelby:
1. Sometimes they will take a bite out of their prey or just sink their teeth in to get a taste before they start really feeding.
2. A shark attack on a human usually occurs in less than 6 feet 6 inches of calm water, and within a relatively short distance from shore.

Photo: Megamouth Shark
We loved all these great comparisons from Zac:
1. Every shark has tiny sensors at the tip of its snout to help it find food like a metal detector finding treasure.
2. Sharks have teeth all over their body. Their skin has really tiny spikes, like a prickle bush.
3. A shark’s teeth are in rows like a roller coaster ride. If a shark looses one of its teeth, one will grow back right away and move forward to take the place of the old one. Just like when a person gets off a roller coaster, a new person will take their place for the next ride.
Andrew, from 3Go, managed to come up with three unique facts that no one else submitted:
1. Nurse sharks are nocturnal predators.

2. Dogfish are a type of shark.
3. Horn sharks are oviparous.
Photo: Horn Shark
And finally this from fifth grader Cassidy S. This is practically an essay - your information is fascinating, indeed!
1. In New Zealand, there is a shark that barks like a dog. It is called the Swell Shark. It is a catshark of the family Scyliorhinidae. It is found in the subtropical eastern Pacific Ocean.
2. Most sharks give birth to their babies. Only a few sharks lay eggs. Most sharks have six to twelve babies at a time, but a Tiger Shark and Hammerhead can have as many as 40 babies at a time.
3. The Whale Shark is the biggest fish in the world. It has more than 4,000 teeth, but each is less than 1/8 inch long. A shark may go through 1,000 sets of teeth during its lifetime. When a shark loses a tooth, one replaces it. A Whale Shark weighs about 40,000 pounds.
We also had two excellent entries from students who do not attend Lower Gwynedd School.
Danielle age:11 teacher: Mrs. Hargrave School: Harbins Elementary city: Dacula, Georgia
Fact 1: The blind shark got its name from the habit of retracting their eye balls, which makes their eye lids close.
Fact 2: Some sharks don’t eat meat, they eat mollusks and clams and live close to the bottom of the ocean to get their food.
Fact 3: Sharks eat different amounts depending on the kind of shark they are. Some sharks can eat a huge amount of food and live of the oils in their liver. When the oil gets low they have the instinct to eat again.
Jacob age: 9 Teacher: Mrs Backlund School: Independence Elementry City: Big Lake, MN
1. A great white shark can weigh up to seven thousand pounds.
2. Sharks have existed for over 300 million years. They are older than the dinosaurs.
3. The bull shark is the only shark that can live in freshwater and saltwater.
Photo: Great White Shark
Editor’s Note: We have checked all the facts and made a few edits to correct inaccuracies, so that everything you are reading here is true. And fascinating!
Posted by: Seymour Simon