March 11, 2013
I’m so excited about my new book SEYMOUR SIMON’S EXTREME OCEANS, which is being published in April. I loved writing this book because although the oceans are the largest space in the universe which is known to be inhabited by living things, they are still largely unexplored. There are fascinating things being discovered all the time below the ocean’s surface!
One of the nice things about being the author is that you receive a box of your new books so that you can see it before it is out in the stores. I sent a copy to my friend Hagan, who is 7-years-old and in the second grade. Here is his "advance review" of EXTREME OCEANS!

Dear Seymour,
Your new book Extreme Oceans is awesome! When my Mom showed me the cover, I was so excited to read it because of the pictures, especially the shark, on the front. I couldn’t wait to see what was inside.
I love the chapter, Deep, Dark, and Mysterious.
I learned that at the bottom of the ocean when fish are red they look dark to their enemies and prey. This is better than being silvery colored, because red doesn’t reflect the light at all. I didn’t know at the bottom of ocean that the water pressure could blow up an animal if you brought it really quick to the surface. That is crazy!
I am going with my Mom and Dad to Alaska for spring break. I would love to see a whale. They are huge! In your book, I learned about a fish even bigger than a whale. It is called a whale shark and can grow up to be over 50 feet long and weigh 80,000 pounds. I always thought sharks killed everything in the ocean, but the whale sharks only eat small sea animals from the water it takes into its big mouth. They sound cool and nice too.
This was an awesome book! Thank you for giving it to me before anyone else.
Love, Hagan

Posted by: Seymour Simon