March 24, 2020
What a strange time this is for many of us…..home from work and home from school. It is a big adjustment, and I know many of you are missing your friends and your normal routine. Still, it is wise to protect yourself, and be sure, even if you feel well, that you are not carrying a virus that might endanger others. This is a time for us all to work together.
I know that many authors are reading aloud (which is great!), and I am going to join in so that you have access to nonfiction, too.
Every weekday, Mon-Fri, at 9am I will be posting a video of myself reading aloud from some of your favorite books, including ANIMALS NOBODY LOVES, PLANETS AROUND THE SUN, PENGUINS, THE MOON, and WHY DO KITTENS DO THAT? You can check each day and find my videos on my YouTube channel. Feel free to comment on this post with your suggestions about what you would like me to read.
Posted by: Seymour Simon