April 28, 2011
As part of our month-long Earth Day celebration, we are introducing a new weekly treat on SeymourSimon.com. Regular users know that every Tuesday brings a new "Cool Photo of the Week." And, every Friday the website is updated with a new Silly Animal Joke or Riddle.
And now we have a new special feature. Welcome to Stupendous Video Thursday! We start with this clip of two young polar bears play-fighting. I think you will agree that this is an absolutely stupendous piece of video.
Female polar bears give birth to two cubs, who stay with their mother for about a year-and-a-half, learning to hunt and live on their own. These young animals like to play-fight, baring their teeth and biting their brothers and sisters. That’s how the cub develops the physical skills it needs for moving, jumping and hunting. Even if this fight looks fierce, it’s just a game for them.
Speaking of Silly Animal Jokes and Riddles, I have a polar bear joke.
Question: What do you call an angry Polar Bear ?
Answer: You don’t call him anything, you just run.

What are you doing this Earth Month to contribute to the global effort to pledge a Billion Acts of Green? Click on "Comments," at the bottom of any Earth Day story, and tell me how you are making a difference. We will continue to accept your ideas through Thursday, April 28. Then, on Friday 4/29, we will publish all your comments in one big article, to honor each writer’s promise to protect our planet, and inspire other readers to do the same.
Posted by: Liz Nealon