Label: Junior Astronomy Club
August 26, 2010
Getting in touch with the Astronomer who demoted Pluto!
Dear Neil DeGrasse Tyson,
I’ve been wanting to write to you for sometime now after I read your autobiography a number of years ago, and finally decided to do so. (My autobiography, From Paper Airplanes to Outer Space, is published by Richard C. Owen.)First of all, I’d like to tell you some of the common background we share. I’m also a graduate of Bronx HS of Science and was an amateur astronomer all through my HS years and beyond. During HS years, the AMNH hosted an office (in the basement) for the Junior Astronomy Club. I was at different times, Editor of their magazine (JAC NEWS), Vice President and then President. We used to have observation meetings in Central Park and some of us (including me) had passes to get into the Museum at off hours to use our office and to work on the magazine. After graduating HS, most members went on to become members of the adult group, The Amateur Astronomy Association. It was a very good time to be a Junior Astronomer in NYC.
I went on to become a writer of science books for children. I’ve written over 250 books, currently they are copublished by Collins/Smithsonian. My website is
Here are of my current blogs about astronomy. Please come by and take a look. I’d love for you to grant me permission to post one of your pieces about Pluto on my site. Is that at all possible?
In any event, I wanted to say hi and to also say that I’m very proud that we’re both graduates of Bronx Science (despite the fact that I’m sentimental about Pluto)!
P.S. I can’t find your current email address anywhere! If you get this post, please write to me. Seymour Simon.
Posted by: Seymour Simon
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Labels: Astronomy, Seymour Simon, space books, Solar System, Pluto, Science Museums, Junior Astronomy Club, American Museum of Natural History
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