December 22, 2012
Every December we finish the SeymourScience blog by counting down the Top 10 Stories of the Year. It was very difficult to choose the ten best stories of 2012, because there was so much wonderful writing contributed by my readers. You are all getting better and better at reading blog articles and making them even better by sharing your own writing - I am very proud of you!


Our number 10 most popular story of the year was about Yakini, a newborn gorilla.
It’s not just humans that find the doctor’s stethoscope is too cold when we go for our checkups. Look at Yakini’s face when the cold instrument touches her skin as she is being examined at the Melbourne Zoo, in Australia. I think we all know that feeling!
This post was so popular that we had comments from around the world.Helena, from Spain, wrote: "WAW! He is the cutest gorilla i have ever seen!"
Lauren from the UK, who read this story on the Science Fun to Go iPad app, wrote: "He is soooo cute I just want to cuddle him! Seymour Simon I love this app it’s amazing! I love u not literally but u know what I mean lol"
Several readers were worried, wanting to know if the baby gorilla was sick. No one needs to worry. Just like human babies, gorilla babies also get regular checkups from their doctors, who are called veterinarians.
This story was part of the "Cool Photo of the Week" series, which appears most Tuesdays on my blog. If you would like to see many more "Cool Photos," click on this link to see three years’ worth!
Posted by: Seymour Simon