February 27, 2011
What a great time I had at Churchville Elementary School last week! The flurry of reading, writing and sharing by the students - which happened before, during and after my visit - was just wonderful!

Look at this great bulletin board done by sixth graders. They read my GLOBAL WARMING book, used a Carbon Footprint Calculator to determine their own impact on Earth’s atmosphere, and then wrote EARTH PLEDGES about their promises to change their own behavior to be better environmental citizens. Wonderful!
A student named Taylor F. wrote today to tell me that she has read almost all of my books that are in her library - FIFTY-SEVEN (57) books. Wow! Taylor!! You must be one of my biggest fans!
The comments and photographs are still coming in, including this one from a teacher and her son (a third-grader in the school).
Hi Mr. Simon!
Thank you so much for visiting Churchville! I am one of the third grade teachers there, and my son is a third grade student at Churchville as well! When we got home, we were so excited to talk about your visit! We love your books and enjoy reading them!
On a side note, yesterday was our dog’s 10th birthday! Ethan wanted to share this picture of our dog, Maveric, with you!
Thank you again,
Tara and Ethan
Maveric is a beautiful dog, isn’t he?

Dear Seymour,
Your engaging website has been a rich resource for our students to learn about science. They have been reading your blog posts at school and at home and many have made personal connections to what they read. As a result of those connections, they were inspired to write comments of their own, send you photos, ask you questions and enter your contests. They did research and conducted a survey. They were excited to see their work published so quickly on your website and shared with a wide audience of readers across the country. This experience has been invaluable for our students as readers, writers and learners. We look forward to continuing to use your website to enrich our exploration and understanding of the fascinating world of science.
Sincerely, Gail Gorgol / Librarian / Churchville Elementary School

I think that I am the one who should say "thank you" to everyone at Churchville Elementary. You really know how to make an author feel welcome! I loved spending time with you all.
Seymour Simon
Posted by: Seymour Simon