My science word is flora.
Flora - All of the plants in a certain area or in a certain time.
I like the word flora because I like plants and science.
The flora in my backyard in the summer are pretty.
5th grade
Mr Horton
Posted by Kaitlyn on 01/11 at 07:49 AM
My science word is fauna.
Fauna - All the animals in a certain area or in a certain time.
I like the word fauna because it has to do with animals.
Cheetahs are part of the fauna in the African savanna.
4th grade
Mrs Backlund
Posted by Jacob on 01/11 at 08:08 AM
Definition in our own words: A tornado is a humongous top that just keeps spinning for hours. A tornado can break down houses and wreck lots of things. It can pull trees out of the ground. It is safest to stay near the ground during a tornado. Tornadoes can pick things up and drop them in a different place.
Why it is awesome: We think tornado is an awesome science word because tornadoes are very strong and powerful.
Using it in a sentence: A tornado can be so strong that it can pick up a pond full of frogs and drop them in a different location.
Submitted by Mrs. Cooper’s 2nd Grade class
Greenfield Elementary School
Posted by Mrs. Cooper's Class on 01/13 at 07:29 AM
Our awesome science word is heart.
Our definition: The heart pumps blood. The heart is the size of a fist.
Why it is awesome: The heart is awesome because it’s part of your body. It pumps your blood and keeps you alive.
Using it in a sentence: The heart is a part of your body that keeps you alive.
Submitted by Mrs. Shambo’s 1st grade class
Posted by Mrs. Shambo's 1st Grade on 01/13 at 09:33 AM
My awesome science word is aurora.
These lights are caused by electrons stuck in earth’s field.
It is rare to see them, strikes of light in the sky in the artic, so that’s why its awesome.
The aurora in the artic was a beautiful sight to see.
Posted by Katy on 01/14 at 05:07 AM
:0 my awesome science word is water fall it means the falling of water.
That waterfall is beautiful :-D
Posted by Alex S on 01/14 at 05:10 AM
My awesome science word is xerophyte.
A xerophyte is a plant that can live with very little water in a habitat like a desert. It is awesome because it is an unique kind of plant. A cactus is a xerophyte that lives in the desert. :-D
Posted by Jane on 01/14 at 05:10 AM
My awesome science word is exoplanet. An exoplanet is a planet out beyond our solar system. We believe about 500 have been discovered. It is out beyond our stars! My word is awesome because people don’t know much about it and it is very interesting to try to get information about it. That is why I chose the awesome science word exoplanet.
Posted by Luke B. on 01/14 at 05:11 AM
My Awesome science word is Bathyscaphe a Bathyscaphe is a submarine type vehicle used to explore the ocean floor…I think my word is Awesome because the fact that we can explore 7 miles below the surface is amazing….Timmy did you hear? billy is going down in a Bathyscaphe tomorrow!
Posted by Aidan on 01/14 at 05:11 AM
My word is lungs. It allows you to breath in oxygen and lets out carbon dioxide.
It is awesome because, without lungs you will die.
My lungs allow me to breath so I don’t die.
Posted by Devon on 01/14 at 05:11 AM
My word is nuclear energy. It is also called atomic energy. My word is awesome because nuclear energy has a huge explosion that also toxicates the air. Nuclear energy is not good for the air:D
Posted by Trevor on 01/14 at 05:11 AM
My awesome science word is RAINBOW and rainbow is a colorful thing in the sky made from rain. I think it’s awesome because it’s very colorful and can be seen when it rains. Something that is in the sky that has nice colors.
Posted by Diana on 01/14 at 05:12 AM
My interesting science word is talon. This word is interesting because It means a birds claw when it is sharp and not straight. I think my word is awesome because I really like sharp things.
I saw a birds talons today.
Posted by Allie on 01/14 at 05:12 AM
My word is : echolocation.
The definition of my word is : A type of sound that some animals use to direct them selves instead of using their eyes they make the sound and if it bounces off of a tree back to them then they know to get out of the way instead of crashing into a tree.
I think my word is awesome because it is a whole new way of direction.
My sentence is : Bats use echolocation because there ears are a superior sense compared to there eyes.
Posted by Dawson on 01/14 at 05:12 AM
My word is :oasis. If you are in a desert and you are dehydrated you will see a MIRAGE of whatever you want or need.
My word is awesome because a mirage is your eyes playing a trick on you even though it looks real
I once saw a movie where someone got stranded in a desert and they had a mirage where they saw an oasis but it was just a mirage.
Posted by James on 01/14 at 05:12 AM
My word is quark. The definition of quark is: quark is a subatomic particle with an electric charge which is less than an electron’s. It is cool because just to think that things can be so small, but so, so, wondrous. A quark is a very small particle, like an electron.
Posted by Nicholas on 01/14 at 05:13 AM
My awesome science word is nebula. The definition is a space cloud is mostly made of stars.I think the word I picked (nebula) is awesome because a nebula is made of stars.
I see a nebula in space.
Posted by Na'ser on 01/14 at 05:47 AM
My word is ichthyosaur.
This word means an ancient fish like reptile that lived 65 million years ago.
I think this word is awesome because it is cool to think of a creature that is two different species in one body that lived 65 million years ago.
Sentence: There once was a fish like reptile called a ichthyosaur that is extinct.
Posted by Isabel B on 01/14 at 05:50 AM
my awesome science word is ignition. Ignition means setting something on fire.
I think this word is awesome because it means its like setting something on fire.
A car uses ignition to start.
Posted by Jack k on 01/14 at 05:53 AM
My awesome science word is vertebrate.
My word is awesome because if any mammal did not have a backbone (spine) then you wouldn’t be able to do the awesome things you could with a spine or backbone.
I’m a vertebrate,I have a backbone all mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fishes
Posted by Isabelle P on 01/14 at 05:53 AM
My awesome science word is zodiac. It is the path of the sun over the sky.
I think this word is awesome because It’s so cool that it has 12 parts named after 12 constellations and that the sun moves through the sky.
Zodiac is the path of the sun in the sky. The sun moves on the path over the year.
Posted by Madelyn on 01/14 at 05:54 AM
My awesome word is reptile. It is an animal that has skin and not fur and it lays eggs it is awesome because I like reptiles.
A lizard is a reptile.
Posted by dawn on 01/14 at 05:55 AM
my awesome science word is zircon.
a zircon is a mineral that is hard and can come in many colors. The kind that are transparent crystals of zircon are used as gemstones
I think my word is awesome because the transparent and all the other colors are pretty cool.
sentence: I will take the red zircon and the clear one.
Posted by brigitte on 01/14 at 05:55 AM
My awesome science word is quasar. A quasar is an object far out in space. They are larger than stars and smaller than galaxies.
I think this word is awesome because it can give off blue lights and very powerful and strong radio waves.
Sentence: I can see a quasar giving off blue lights.
Posted by Morgan on 01/14 at 05:55 AM
My word is zircon.
It is a hard mineral used as a gemstone.
I think this word is awesome because I love gemstones on jewelry.
Zircon is a beautiful gem used in jewel.
:] :p
Posted by hailie on 01/14 at 05:56 AM
My science word is flora.
Flora - All of the plants in a certain area or in a certain time.
I like the word flora because I like plants and science.
The flora in my backyard in the summer are pretty.
5th grade
Mr Horton
My science word is fauna.
Fauna - All the animals in a certain area or in a certain time.
I like the word fauna because it has to do with animals.
Cheetahs are part of the fauna in the African savanna.
4th grade
Mrs Backlund
Definition in our own words: A tornado is a humongous top that just keeps spinning for hours. A tornado can break down houses and wreck lots of things. It can pull trees out of the ground. It is safest to stay near the ground during a tornado. Tornadoes can pick things up and drop them in a different place.
Why it is awesome: We think tornado is an awesome science word because tornadoes are very strong and powerful.
Using it in a sentence: A tornado can be so strong that it can pick up a pond full of frogs and drop them in a different location.
Submitted by Mrs. Cooper’s 2nd Grade class
Greenfield Elementary School
Our awesome science word is heart.
Our definition: The heart pumps blood. The heart is the size of a fist.
Why it is awesome: The heart is awesome because it’s part of your body. It pumps your blood and keeps you alive.
Using it in a sentence: The heart is a part of your body that keeps you alive.
Submitted by Mrs. Shambo’s 1st grade class
My awesome science word is aurora.
These lights are caused by electrons stuck in earth’s field.
It is rare to see them, strikes of light in the sky in the artic, so that’s why its awesome.
The aurora in the artic was a beautiful sight to see.
:0 my awesome science word is water fall it means the falling of water.
That waterfall is beautiful :-D
My awesome science word is xerophyte.
A xerophyte is a plant that can live with very little water in a habitat like a desert. It is awesome because it is an unique kind of plant. A cactus is a xerophyte that lives in the desert. :-D
My awesome science word is exoplanet. An exoplanet is a planet out beyond our solar system. We believe about 500 have been discovered. It is out beyond our stars! My word is awesome because people don’t know much about it and it is very interesting to try to get information about it. That is why I chose the awesome science word exoplanet.
My Awesome science word is Bathyscaphe a Bathyscaphe is a submarine type vehicle used to explore the ocean floor…I think my word is Awesome because the fact that we can explore 7 miles below the surface is amazing….Timmy did you hear? billy is going down in a Bathyscaphe tomorrow!
My word is lungs. It allows you to breath in oxygen and lets out carbon dioxide.
It is awesome because, without lungs you will die.
My lungs allow me to breath so I don’t die.
My word is nuclear energy. It is also called atomic energy. My word is awesome because nuclear energy has a huge explosion that also toxicates the air. Nuclear energy is not good for the air:D
My awesome science word is RAINBOW and rainbow is a colorful thing in the sky made from rain. I think it’s awesome because it’s very colorful and can be seen when it rains. Something that is in the sky that has nice colors.
My interesting science word is talon. This word is interesting because It means a birds claw when it is sharp and not straight. I think my word is awesome because I really like sharp things.
I saw a birds talons today.
My word is : echolocation.
The definition of my word is : A type of sound that some animals use to direct them selves instead of using their eyes they make the sound and if it bounces off of a tree back to them then they know to get out of the way instead of crashing into a tree.
I think my word is awesome because it is a whole new way of direction.
My sentence is : Bats use echolocation because there ears are a superior sense compared to there eyes.
My word is :oasis. If you are in a desert and you are dehydrated you will see a MIRAGE of whatever you want or need.
My word is awesome because a mirage is your eyes playing a trick on you even though it looks real
I once saw a movie where someone got stranded in a desert and they had a mirage where they saw an oasis but it was just a mirage.
My word is quark. The definition of quark is: quark is a subatomic particle with an electric charge which is less than an electron’s. It is cool because just to think that things can be so small, but so, so, wondrous. A quark is a very small particle, like an electron.
My awesome science word is nebula. The definition is a space cloud is mostly made of stars.I think the word I picked (nebula) is awesome because a nebula is made of stars.
I see a nebula in space.
My word is ichthyosaur.
This word means an ancient fish like reptile that lived 65 million years ago.
I think this word is awesome because it is cool to think of a creature that is two different species in one body that lived 65 million years ago.
Sentence: There once was a fish like reptile called a ichthyosaur that is extinct.
my awesome science word is ignition. Ignition means setting something on fire.
I think this word is awesome because it means its like setting something on fire.
A car uses ignition to start.
My awesome science word is vertebrate.
My word is awesome because if any mammal did not have a backbone (spine) then you wouldn’t be able to do the awesome things you could with a spine or backbone.
I’m a vertebrate,I have a backbone all mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fishes
My awesome science word is zodiac. It is the path of the sun over the sky.
I think this word is awesome because It’s so cool that it has 12 parts named after 12 constellations and that the sun moves through the sky.
Zodiac is the path of the sun in the sky. The sun moves on the path over the year.
My awesome word is reptile. It is an animal that has skin and not fur and it lays eggs it is awesome because I like reptiles.
A lizard is a reptile.
my awesome science word is zircon.
a zircon is a mineral that is hard and can come in many colors. The kind that are transparent crystals of zircon are used as gemstones
I think my word is awesome because the transparent and all the other colors are pretty cool.
sentence: I will take the red zircon and the clear one.
My awesome science word is quasar. A quasar is an object far out in space. They are larger than stars and smaller than galaxies.
I think this word is awesome because it can give off blue lights and very powerful and strong radio waves.
Sentence: I can see a quasar giving off blue lights.
My word is zircon.
It is a hard mineral used as a gemstone.
I think this word is awesome because I love gemstones on jewelry.
Zircon is a beautiful gem used in jewel.
:] :p