Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 01/10 at 03:20 AM


My awesome science word is camouflage.

My definition is something that blends in to something else

That bug looked camouflaged on a tree.

Orion, Mrs. Kelly 3rd Grade

Posted by Orion  on  01/15  at  06:36 AM

My awesome science word is microscopic

My definition is microscopic is something so tiny that you need a microscope to see it.

The atom was microscopic.

Zack M, Mrs. Kelly’s 3rd grade

Posted by Zack.m  on  01/15  at  06:39 AM

My awesome science word is zero gravity

Definition: one word that means it is Free Fall. An example of a place is space.

I think its awesome because it’s

zero gravity is like zero % walking

Brandt,in Mrs Kellys 3rd grade class

Posted by Brandt h  on  01/15  at  06:39 AM

My name is Lauren. I think that laccolith is awesome. The fact that it formed from the pressure underlying molten rock is amazing. I love the idea.
You can see laccolith on a mountain.                                            Lauren ,Mrs.kelly 3rd grade

Posted by Lauren. L  on  01/15  at  06:39 AM

My awesome science word is Bluetooth.
Definition:  It is a wireless connection that connects to cell phones and electronics.  It allows them to communicate with others.
I think it is awesome because it can connect to everything without any wires.
Sentence:  My mom was talking on her Bluetooth in the car.
Lauren T. from Mrs. Kelly’s 3rd Grade

Posted by Lauren T.  on  01/15  at  06:44 AM

My awesome science word is sandstorm. The definition is a cloud of sand caused by a big gust of wind, most of the time sandstorms are in the dessert. I think this word is awesome because you can make little sandstorms in summer when a gust of wind blows and you kick sand. Sandstorms are very cool when you look closely and you can see an object.
Zoe, Mrs.Bobear’s 5th grade

Posted by Zoe  on  01/15  at  09:56 AM

My awesome science word is monkey.
I think this word is awesome because monkeys are the closest thing to a human.
Monkeys swing from tree to tree.

William, Mrs. Bobear 5th Grade

Posted by william b  on  01/15  at  10:02 AM

My awesome science word is Lime Stone.
I think my word is awesome because you can find fossils from millions of years ago in them.
My favorite is to find a whole trilobite.

Posted by nicholas.G  on  01/15  at  10:03 AM

My awesome science word is lava.
The definition of this word is the molten rock that flows through volcanos and cracks in the earth’s surface.

I think this word is awesome because lava and volcanos are cool (not the cold cool tongue rolleye ) and interesting.

Sentence: Lava gushed everywhere from the volcano.

Luke K, Mrs. Bobear’s 5th grade class LOL

Posted by Luke K.  on  01/15  at  10:04 AM

My awesome word is albino.
It means a color less animal or plant.
I think this word is awesome because there are some cool things that are albino.

The white alligator is an albino animal.

ian,Mrs.bobears fifth grade

Posted by Ian  on  01/15  at  10:04 AM

My awesome science word is paleontology.
The definition of my word is a scientific study of fossils from dinosaurs when they were alive and the people that study them are called paleontologists.
I think this word is awesome because you can see the where their eyes were and also if you find all of the fossils, you can see the size of that dinosaur.
I want to do paleontology when I am older.

Paige M. Mrs. Bobear’s 5th grade class :]

Posted by Paige M.  on  01/15  at  10:06 AM

My awesome science word is: Calcite, Calcite is very common and can be found anywhere in the world smile
I think this word is awesome because: Calcite is made out of a variety of different substances smile
My awesome science word in a sentence is: I went underground yesterday and found some Calcite! smile
Zachary.C 5th Bobear

Posted by Zachary.C  on  01/15  at  10:07 AM

My awesome word is silver.

I think its awesome because of all the qualities it has.

The definition of Silver is: Silver is a shiny object also known as pure metal. It is used for heat and electricity. It is used for electrical and dental purposes. It can be used as fancy jewelry.

I like my new silver necklace.

  Gabriella Mrs. Bobear 5th grade

Posted by Gabriella  on  01/15  at  10:08 AM

My awesome science word is gem.
I think this word is awesome because it is cool where they can be found.
A gem is a very expensive kind of jewelry, known as bracelets, necklaces and earrings.
Alex A, Mrs. Bobear’s 5th Grade

Posted by Alexandra A.  on  01/15  at  10:09 AM

My awesome science word is Galaxy.
A galaxy is one of millions of star planets!  It includes thousands and thousands of stars, other planets, clouds made of dust and gases with other space objects.  Also, it comes from a Greek word.  It’s known as a drink, milk!
This word is awesome because who wouldn’t want to go up in space to see a billion stars and other weird floating objects.
We live in the Milkyway galaxy.

Grace C, Mrs. Bobear’s 5th Grade

Posted by Grace  on  01/15  at  10:11 AM

My awesome word is tear gland.
The definition is: A pouch of salty water that is, located behind the upper eyelid that drains through the nose into the inner corner of the eye.
It is awesome because it is what produce’s your tears.
My sentence:  The tear gland produces your tears.
Emily Mrs.Bobear 5th grade:)

Posted by Emily  on  01/15  at  10:12 AM

My awesome science word is zircon. Zircon is a mineral that can come in different colors and is see through. Zircon crystals are like Gemstone. Zircon is awesome because it is mineral and shiny. 

Mrs. Huggins 3rd grade

Posted by Jack  on  01/15  at  02:15 PM

My awesome science word is eclipse.
It happens when a object in space (like the moon) covers the earth from getting sun light in one spot.

I think it is awesome how the moon covers a whole spot on earth!

Do you know an eclipse happened last night?  Don’t you think it is cool how the moon covered a spot on earth?

wink smile

Posted by Erik  on  01/15  at  02:27 PM
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