December 5, 2012
Seymour Simon is preparing to travel to visit five schools in Pennsylvania next week. It is easy to tell because we are seeing so many new readers on the Seymour Science blog. Students in the Pennsbury school district - this AWESOME SCIENCE WORD contest is for you!

Two lucky winners are going to receive personally autographed copies of Seymour Simon’s newly updated SCIENCE DICTIONARY, with more than 2,000 entries!
Did you ever spend time browsing through an encyclopedia or dictionary? You might not have been looking for a specific word but just leafing through, finding cool topics and reading about them. For this contest Seymour Simon invites you to browse through his online Science Dictionary and find a word or image that you really like. Here is the link where you can find his Science Dictionary online:
Here is what you need to know to enter Seymour’s Awesome Science Word Contest:
Take a look around in the online Science Dictionary and find a word that you think is an Awesome Science Word. Once you have decided on your word, you have to do three things:
1. Tell us what your word is and explain the definition in your own words.
2. Tell us why you think your word is awesome.
3. Use your Awesome Science Word in a sentence to prove that you really understand what it means.
Here is an example. Let’s say that I look at the online Dictionary pick "geyser" as my Awesome Science Word. I would write:
Definition in my own words: A geyser is a hot, underground pool or stream of water that sometimes explodes into the air, releasing hot water and steam.
Why it is awesome: I think it is awesome that hot water, smoke and steam can just explode out of the ground without any warning.
Using it in a sentence: If you ever go to Yellowstone National Park, don’t walk too near the "Old Faithful" geyser, because you never know when it is going to blow!
Here is how to enter once you have selected your Awesome Science Word:
A. Click on the yellow "Comments" link at the bottom of the blog to enter the contest by sharing your word along with your definition, why you think it is awesome, and your sentence using your word.
B. When you write you information, be sure to also tell us your name (first name only), your school, and your teacher’s name. That way we can find you if you are the winner!
C. Be sure to post your entry by midnight on Thursday, December 13. The contest ends then.
- Two winners in the Pennsbury Schools will be chosen randomly from all the correct entries.
- Older students may enter individually, and we will pick one winner.
- Students in grades K-2 may enter as a class and work with their teacher to enter the contest; there will be one classroom winner.
- Both winners will receive copies of the printed version of the SCIENCE DICTIONARY, autographed by Seymour Simon.
- Students who are not in the Pennsbury (Pennsylvania) school district may also enter this contest. If we have at least 20 entries from other schools, we will randomly choose a third prizewinner from the non-Pennsylvania entries.
This new book is completely updated, and being published by Dover Books on December 19.
So, get to work and send us your entries today. Good luck!
Posted by: Seymour Simon