April 25, 2011
I am so pleased at the great ideas coming from our readers, about what you all can do to help care for our planet Earth. Here are two great comments which came in over the weekend:
I Have Made a song for you ...
Earth day oh Earth day ... I love so much earth day I wish earth day was every day….. I will always remember my fragile earth day oh oh oh oh oh
- Saim

Happy Earth day! Speaking of Earth, I made a little replica of Earth along with other planets. I have been reading your Solar System books, and it is amazing how tiny Earth is [compared to] all of the other planets!
- Ashley
(pictured here: Jacob, Alex, Ashley C.)
What are you doing this Earth Month to contribute to the global effort to pledge a Billion Acts of Green? Click on "Comments," at the bottom of this story, and tell me how you are making a difference. We will continue to accept your ideas through Thursday, April 28. Then, on Friday 4/29, we will publish all your comments in one big article, to honor each writer’s promise to protect our planet, and inspire other readers to do the same. Stand up and be counted!
Posted by: Seymour Simon