March 10, 2012
Look at these great notes from Mrs. Sposito’s first graders at Menands School!

Hi, Seymour Simon,
I went on your blog. I went on Kids. I saw paper airplanes and I made one by myself. From: Alexa
We loved your presentation. My favorite book was Earthquakes. I like the videos you made. Thank you for coming to Menands School. From: Mady
I love that video you showed us. That one with the paper airplane. You sure are a good book writer! I hope you can make more books and come back when ever you can! From: Toby
How was your day, Seymour Simon was it good or great? My favorIte part was when we all took a picture. From: Abbi
I think you write a lot of books. Do you write nonfiction and fiction? From: Sabrina
It was a pleasure to meet you, we had lots of fun. I thought the paper airplane was cool. How did you throw that long? Your books are the best I ever read. From: Reem
I like your Shark book, your Baby Animals book and your Bats book. I like when you threw the paper airplane out the window. From: E-Sonne
Thanks for coming to our school. Why do you write books? Do you like books? you are the best author! Why did you start writing in second grade? Why do you like animals? Are animals your favorite things? Why do you write nonfiction? From: Aditi
Thank you for sharing your books. We love your books. We had a great time reading them. Thank you for coming. I loved your video. From: Roshni

Posted by: Seymour Simon