Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 12/05 at 08:42 AM


Mrs. Dubell Quarry Hill Elementary

My word:  tornado

Definition in my words:  a tornado is a form of wind that hits the ground and makes a big explosion of wind and dust. 

My word in a sentence:  Never get too close to a tornado because you may get swept up.

Posted by Hannah  on  12/13  at  12:26 PM

Mitch Ms.Lowe Makefield Elementary

smile The Universe is a unspeakable thing. It has every piece of matter and energy from past and present.The Universe has all galaxies and also has the Milky-way with billions upon billions of stars surrounding it all just to top it of with a BIG cherry. But I ask you? Is there another galaxy far, far, far away with living lifeforms or even another human race? Will we ever know? :D

My word is AWESOME because it’s you me, IT’S YOU ME WHAT THE HECK IT’S EVERYTHING!!!!! smile

The Universe is infinite and holds all energy and matter. smilesmile:):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):) :D

Posted by Mitch  on  12/13  at  01:01 PM

my word is Talons
                                              Defonition: Talons are sharp, long nails that some birds have
                                                      Why I think it’s a awesome: I think the word Talons is awesome because it’s so cool that a bird can have such sharp nails that can grabthings so easealy.                                                       
Sentence:A hawlk killed one of my chickens by grabbing it with it’s  smile  Jesse James:)

Posted by Jesse J.  on  12/13  at  01:33 PM


Definition: Talons are sharp long nails that some birds have.

Why I think it’s awesome: I think the word talon is awesome because I think it’s cool that birds can have so much power in their grasp even though they might be small.

Sentence: A hawk killed one of my chickens by grabbing it with its talons.    - Jesse J.  grin

Posted by Jesse J.  on  12/13  at  04:09 PM

Casey Quarry Hill Ms.Tiso

Word: White Dwarf Star

Definition: A white star near the end of it’s life. A white dwarf star is very small, but weighs a ton.

I chose this word because it’s a very unique word, and when i saw this fasinating word I was amazed.

In the universe there are a lot of stars, but when the die out, like people, they become a white dwarf star.

Posted by Casey  on  12/13  at  04:46 PM

(from penn valley elm)
My awesome word is saprophyte!
It means fungus (yuck tongue laugh) that grows on non living material, like food. grrr
My sentance: EW! My sandwich has saprophyte growing on it!:exclaim:
Thx!  cool smile

Posted by Samantha B.  on  01/10  at  06:35 AM


An examination of a dead body to find out the cause of its death.

I think it is awsome because it has to do with death, mystery, and suspense.

The police asked if there was a place that he can perform autopsy on the body. cool mad

Posted by Amru  on  01/10  at  06:40 AM

My AWESOME WORD is camouflage

Camouflage means for certain animal to use a
Method of blending into their surroundings
For protection from predators

I choose this AWESOME WORD because I think it is just
Beautiful how and what the creature can blend into

That butterfly is using CAMOUFLAGE to hide from the
the predator!

Ps I was the one who answered the Jupiter question!  BYE

Posted by Grace  on  01/10  at  05:45 PM
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