Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 12/05 at 08:42 AM


a figure that is touched by light and gets reflected to the grounde and makes a shadow.
it is awesome because it is a black shadow and it looks like a figure from my favorit book percy jackson.
A shadow is a black reflecktion of a person.
cool grin

Alex b makfeild elemetory

Posted by Alex b  on  12/12  at  05:53 AM

mammary glands

What is used to give milk to mammal babies from a female mammal.  smile

I think mammary glands are cool because they are used to give baby mammals milk.  smile

Mammary glands are used to give their babies milk, and they are only found in female mammals.  smile

MacKennzie   Mrs. Northrup   Makefield

Posted by MacKennzie  on  12/12  at  05:55 AM


A branch of medicine for your vision and eyes

Opthamology is awesome because I think without this branch of medicine we wouldn’t have the right care for our eyes and all the people with eye problems would be out of luck.

Thank goodness the doctor specialized in opthamology or the girl would have had to go to the hospital. 
cheese  cheese

Brooke   Mrs. Northrup   Makefield

















Posted by Brooke  on  12/12  at  05:58 AM

Dwarf star

A small star that’s matter is very compact and heavy.                                     

I think it is cool that a little bit of a dwarf star is so heavy.                                   

I wonder how close the nearest dwarf star is smile!

Eli   Mrs. Northrup   Makefield

Posted by Eli  on  12/12  at  06:00 AM

Our sun will turn into a red giant thousands of years from now.

A red giant star happens when a star is at the mass of our sun’s core calapses and then rapedly expands.

It’s awesome because it will instantly vaporize anything it touches.

Posted by Alex and Derek  on  12/12  at  06:01 AM

John Makefield Elementary
Don’t use Plutonium if you’re not protected, or you’ll get badly sick.
I used the word Plutonium because it’s my favorite element on the Periodic Table.

Posted by John  on  12/12  at  06:02 AM

Earth Sattlelite
a sattlelite in space looking at the earth for things happening in the earth. That is the definition for my word.

This word is awesome because a sattlelite in space is looking to earth many miles away. That is why the word awesome.

The sentence I typed for my word is the earth sattlelite is in space and watching the earth. That is a sentence about my word.

All of those sentences are about the earth sattlelite.

Makefield elementary

Posted by Fernando  on  12/12  at  06:03 AM


A animal with two feet such as a human or bird.

This word is awesome because I never heard of the word in my life. I also think this word is awesome because biped is a fun word to say.

When I was little, I, as a biped, kicked a biped, my brother. I also got in trouble. : )

Jared Mrs. Northrup Makefield

Posted by Jared Mrs. Northrup Makefield  on  12/12  at  06:03 AM


Earthquakes are when the ground shakes really hard because of moveing rock.

I think it’s cool because I like to see stuff get destroyed and earthquakes probably break a lot of stuff.

The earthquake destroyed lots of the city of Djibouti, Djibouti.

Mrs. Koellner Makefield Elementary

Posted by Walter  on  12/12  at  06:03 AM

Dwarf Planet

A Dwarf planet is a very small planet.  smile

I think it is awsome because Dwarf sounds so cool and i also like planets.  smile

One night I got to look at a Dwarf planet ! smilesmile

Jack   Mrs. Northrup   Makefield

Posted by Jack  on  12/12  at  06:07 AM


having to do with plantet jupiter

harry mrs.koellner makefield

Posted by harry  on  12/12  at  06:11 AM


!hat is tape, I ask
Isn’t it somethigh that Santa’s elves
use to wrap presents and such. smile
WOW! I think I I use it so much!:)
A sticky thing to put stuff
You can use it, even for leather!:)

Why is tape awesome you ask?:)
Tape is awesome… because there are so many kinds - duck tape, scotch tape, any tape, every tape, it will pass! smile

I use tape to wrap my presents, every, every, single Christmas!

Julia   Mrs. Northrup   Makefield

Posted by Julia  on  12/12  at  06:21 AM


Invertebrate is an animal,insect,worm, or shellfish that doesen’t have a back bone   smile

I think it’s awesome because it’s an animal without a back bone and I thought every animal had a back bone:)

Did you know that some animals don’t have back bones, if they don’t it’s called an invertebrate:)

Henry   Mrs. Northrup   Makefield

Posted by Henry  on  12/12  at  06:30 AM


Everything.  Everywhere.  From one end of the universe to the other.  From the Big Bang to modern technology.  From the dream of landing on Mars to rovers like Spirit, Opportunity, and Curiosity.  Science is everything and everywhere.

Science is awesome because it explains the “why” in “Why does this happen?”

Science explains why there could be life on Mars.

Posted by Robbie K.  on  12/12  at  06:52 AM

Jade is a hard mineral, usually green sometimes white, brown and yellow.

Jade is awesome because my name is Jaden and it can be different colors.

Jaden found a jade in a rock.

Posted by Jaden  on  12/12  at  06:52 AM

Our sun will turn into a red giant thousands of years from now.
A red giant star is when a star at the mass of our sun’s core calapses then rapedly expands.
It’s amazing because it will instantly vaporize anything it touches.

Posted by Alex and Derek  on  12/12  at  06:56 AM

Frostbite is when you get extremely cold and you can’t move.

I think frostbite is a awesome word because ithink that it’s cool that something like that could kill you.

Though frostbite is dangerous in the winter like now.

Makefield Elementary

Posted by Erik  on  12/12  at  06:58 AM

Database means a large raspberry amount of information on one subject.database is awesome because it holds information on one subject in one place.I have a database on my goldfish.

mr spinelli

Posted by DYLAN  on  12/12  at  07:01 AM


The sience information for the movement of bullets,shells and other missiles.(Ballistics is the Latin word for an ancient weapon that shots rocks and huge objects)

I think this word is awsome because I like to play
with airsoft bullets go and how they move.

I sometimes use the study of ballistics to see how well the airsoft gun will work.

Mr. Spinelli

Posted by Alvin and Eddie  on  12/12  at  07:01 AM

A piece of rock or metal from space that rafts around the galaxy, and it’s possible that it can hit Earth.

Last night we were stargazing and we saw a meteorite.      wink


Posted by Jordan and Mia  on  12/12  at  07:02 AM

Lightning hurts a lot if it falls on you.

The lightning is cool because it is powerful.

The word lightning is awesome.

Lightnings come out of the sky.

Makefield Elementary MMix

Posted by Alex.P  on  12/12  at  07:02 AM

Frostbite can damage your skin.

It can damage your whole body.

It’s one thing you don’t want to get.

Ryan O         Makefield Elementrey Mrs. Mix

Posted by Ryan O  on  12/12  at  07:03 AM

Solar System

A solar sytem is part of galaxy.  It is a collection of planets revolving around one star.  Our solar system is part of the Milky Way galaxy.

Solar systems are awesome because every part of it has a special feature.

Our solar system has eight planets and three dwarf planets that revolve around the sun.

Posted by Lizzie K.  on  12/12  at  07:03 AM

CAT scan
It is a computer that changes a picture of an x-ray into a picture that is more clear.  It can make that picture of the x-ray better to experiment on.  cat scan is so cool.

It is an awesome word because it is cool to say and it has a cool meaning.

Doctors use CAT scan to to help them work on x-rays.

Makefield Mrs.Mix

Posted by Celia  on  12/12  at  07:10 AM

Neanderthal People

Humans from millions of years ago. They are some of the first humans. Neanderthal’s have gorilla-like features.

It’s a cool concept because Neanderthal’s are part human and part gorilla.

Evoulution made gorillas evoulute to Neanderthals to modern humans today. Cool!

Makefield Elemantary School Mrs.Mix

Posted by Abby.Z  on  12/12  at  07:10 AM
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